All functions |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a |
Non-Stationary GEV Time Series |
Non-Stationary GEV Model |
Return Levels for |
Time-Varying GEV Model. |
Annual Maximum Temperature in Dijon |
Analysis of Deviance Table for two Nested |
Coerce into a |
Coerce a |
Coerce a |
Coercion into a |
Coerce a Data Frame into a |
Coerce an |
Coerce a |
Draw a Particular Layer on a |
Create a |
Autoplot for Block Functional Time Series |
Plot a Block Time-Series using ggplot |
Autplot Predict Results for |
Create a |
Plot Residuals of a |
Find Block Duration |
Design Matrix with Breaks in a Linear Trend |
Bootstrap an Object |
Bootstrap for a |
Create a |
Marginal Cumulative Distribution Functions |
Distribution Function for a Random Maximum |
Distribution Function for the Random Maximum on a given Period |
Check the confint Method for |
Check the Predict Method for |
Check the |
Coefficients of a |
Coefficients of a |
Confidence Intervals for a |
Hessian of the Negative Log-Likelihood of a |
Value of the Probability Density of the Maximum over a Period of Time |
Compute NSGEV Densities |
Compute TVGEV Densities or Cumulative Distribution Functions |
Distance Between Two Lines |
Extract Log-Likelihood |
Expectation or Moments of a |
Construct or Extract Design Matrices |
Build or Extract Model Matrices |
Moments of Marginal Distributions |
Design Matrix for a Natural Spline Basis |
Evaluate the negative log-likelihood of a NSGEV model |
Choose an Opacity Level |
Value of the Distribution Function of the Maximum over a Period of Time |
Initial Parameter Estimates |
Names of the Parameters of a Statistical Model |
Names of the parameters of a Statistical Model |
Plot method for |
Plot for Block Functional Time Series |
Time-Plot of |
Plot Predict Results for |
Plot Residuals of a |
Design Matrix for Polynomial Regression |
Prediction of Return Levels for a |
Predict Method for |
Prediction of Unconditional or Non-Stationary Return Levels for a |
Print Method for |
Profile-Likelihood Inference Method |
Profile-Likelihood Inference for |
Compute the Matrix of GEV Parameters from the Vector of Model Parameters 'psi' and the Data |
Compute the Matrix of GEV Parameters from the Vector of Model Parameters 'psi' and the Data |
Compute the Matrix of GEV Parameters from the Vector of Model Parameters 'psi' and the Data |
Values of the Quantile Functon of the Maximum over a Period of Time |
Quantile of a Random Maximum |
Quantiles of the Maximum on a Period of Time |
Quantile Function for a Random Maximum |
Quantile Function for the Random Maximum on a given Period |
Profile Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the Quantiles of the Maximum on a given Period |
Compute |
Compute Quantiles for a |
Generates Random Names |
Generalised Residuals for a |
Find the complete vector of NSGEV parameters from a partial vector and a Return Level |
Select (Nearly) a Given Number of Dates |
Simulate Paths from a |
Simulate from a |
Extract Parts of a |
Summary Method for |
Translate a Formula into a NSGEV Formula |
Variance-Covariance Matrix for a |
Extracts a Subset of a |