The broken line trend

In this report we simulate a trend for the location parameter. We chose the model YbGEV(μb,σ,ξ)Y_b \sim \text{GEV}(\mu_b, \, \sigma, \,\xi) with constant scale and shape ξ\xi, while the location is given by

μb=ψμ,0+ψμ,1+ψμ,2(bb0)+ \mu_b = \psi_{\mu, 0} + \psi_{\mu, 1} + \psi_{\mu, 2} (b - b_0)_+

where the annual block b0b_0 is chosen to be 19801980, and the data will from 1921 to 2020. Using the breaksX design function we get a matrix X with a linear trend t1 and a broken line t1_1980 with slope: 00 before 1980 and slope 11 from 19801980 on.

date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", 1921:2020)) 
X <- breaksX(date = date, breaks = "1980-01-01")
rownames(X) <- format(date, "%Y")
n <- nrow(X)
plot(date, X[ , 1], ylim = range(X), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
matlines(date, X, type = "l", lwd = 2) 

Simulation of the data and GEV estimation

We simulate a sample of size ns for the vector 𝛙\boldsymbol{\psi} of p=4p=4 coefficients ψμ,0\psi_{\mu, 0}, ψμ,1\psi_{\mu, 1}, σ\sigma and ξ\xi. The results are stored in a matrix psi with ns rows.

GEVnms <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")  
ns <- 400
pLoc <- 3
psiLoc <- matrix(rnorm(ns * pLoc, sd = 0.15), nrow = ns)
sigma <- rgamma(ns, shape = 4, rate = 2)
xi <- rnorm(ns, sd = 0.1)
psi <- cbind(psiLoc, sigma, xi)
colnames(psi) <- c(paste("mu", c("0", colnames(X)), sep = "_"), "sigma_0", "xi_0")
p <- ncol(psi)
kable(head(psi, n = 4), digits = 3)
mu_0 mu_t1 mu_t1_1980 sigma_0 xi_0
-0.181 -0.184 -0.154 0.684 -0.047
0.042 0.005 -0.208 1.247 0.058
0.163 -0.063 -0.007 0.608 0.042
-0.352 -0.135 0.272 3.302 0.068

Then we create a three-dimensional array theta with dimension c(ns, n , 3). A slice theta[is, , ] will contain the GEV parameters for the simulation number is i.e., a matrix with dimension c(n , 3) of the GEV parameters 𝛉b\boldsymbol{\theta}_b for the blocks b=1b=1 to b=nb =n.

theta <- array(NA, dim = c(ns, n, 3), dimnames = list(NULL, rownames(X), GEVnms))
Y <- mu <- array(NA, dim = c(ns, n), dimnames = list(NULL, rownames(X)))
fitTVGEV <- fitextRemes <- fitismev <- list()
co <- array(NA, dim = c(ns, 3, p),
            dimnames = list(NULL, c("NSGEV", "extR", "ismev"), colnames(psi)))
ML <- array(NA, dim = c(ns, 3),
            dimnames = list(NULL, c("NSGEV", "extR", "ismev")))
CVG <- array(NA, dim = c(ns, 3),
             dimnames = list(NULL, c("NSGEV", "extR", "ismev")))
estim <- "optim"
for (is in 1:ns) {
    mu <- cbind(1, X) %*% psiLoc[is, ]
    theta[is, , ] <- cbind(mu, sigma[is], xi[is])
    Y[is, ] <- rGEV(1,
                    loc = theta[is, , 1],
                    scale = theta[is, , 2],
                    shape = theta[is, , 3])
    df <- data.frame(date = date, Y = Y[is, ])
    fitTVGEV[[is]] <- try(NSGEV::TVGEV(data = df, response = "Y", date = "date",
                                       design = breaksX(date = date,
                                           breaks = "1980-01-01",
                                           degree = 1),
                                       estim = estim,
                                       loc = ~ t1 + t1_1980))
    if (!inherits(fitTVGEV[[is]], "try-error")) {
        if (estim == "optim") {
            CVG[is, "NSGEV"] <- (fitTVGEV[[is]]$fit$convergence == 0)
        } else {
            CVG[is, "NSGEV"] <- (fitTVGEV[[is]]$fit$status > 0)
        if (CVG[is, "NSGEV"]) {
            co[is, "NSGEV", ] <- coef(fitTVGEV[[is]])
            ML[is, "NSGEV"]  <- logLik(fitTVGEV[[is]])
    } else CVG[is, "NSGEV"] <- FALSE
    df.extRemes <- cbind(df, breaksX(date = df$date, breaks = "1980-01-01",
                                     degree = 1));
    fitextRemes[[is]] <- try(extRemes::fevd(x = df.extRemes$Y, data = df.extRemes,
                                            loc = ~ t1 + t1_1980))
    if (!inherits(fitextRemes[[is]], "try-error")) {
        CVG[is, "extR"] <-  (fitextRemes[[is]]$results$convergence == 0)
        if (CVG[is, "extR"]) {
            co[is, "extR", ] <- fitextRemes[[is]]$results$par
            ML[is, "extR"] <-  -fitextRemes[[is]]$results$value
    } else CVG[is, "extR"] <- FALSE
    fitismev[[is]] <- try( = df.extRemes$Y,
                                         y = as.matrix(df.extRemes[ , c("t1", "t1_1980")]),
                                         mul = 1:2, show = FALSE))
    if (!inherits(fitismev[[is]], "try-error")) {
        CVG[is, "ismev"] <- (fitismev[[is]]$conv == 0)
        if (CVG[is, "ismev"]) {
            co[is, "ismev", ] <- fitismev[[is]]$mle
            ML[is, "ismev"] <-  -fitismev[[is]]$nllh
    } else CVG[is, "ismev"] <- FALSE

Error in solve.default(xhessian):Lapackroutinedgesv:systemisexactlysingular:U[2,2]=0Errorinsolve.default(xhessian) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[2,2] = 0 Error in solve.default(xhessian) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[2,2] = 0

matplot(t(Y[1:10, ]), type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "")
Ten simulated paths

Ten simulated paths


We can assess the convergence for the three estimation methods.

kable(t(apply(CVG, 2, sum)))
NSGEV extR ismev
400 399 394

We can inspect the content of the array co containing the estimated coefficients 𝛙̂\widehat{\boldsymbol{\psi}}.

kable(aperm(co[1:3, , ], perm = c(3, 2, 1)), digits = 3)
NSGEV.1 extR.1 ismev.1 NSGEV.2 extR.2 ismev.2 NSGEV.3 extR.3 ismev.3
mu_0 -0.236 -3.070 -3.396 0.174 0.174 0.174 0.095 0.095 0.095
mu_t1 -0.184 -0.153 -0.220 0.005 0.005 0.005 -0.066 -0.066 -0.066
mu_t1_1980 -0.143 -0.228 -0.056 -0.206 -0.206 -0.206 0.006 0.006 0.006
sigma_0 0.728 6.612 6.090 1.317 1.317 1.317 0.560 0.560 0.559
xi_0 0.010 -1.030 -1.116 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.089 0.089 0.089

There are cases where the estimation fails, and also cases where estimations seem successful but lead to very different estimated coefficients. In such case, we can compare the maximised log-likelihood stored in the array ML. For example this happens here for the first simulation; we selected the random seed so that the results for first estimation differ, but the conclusion are the same when another seed is used. The log-likelihoods for the four first simulated samples are as follows.

MLcomp <- t(ML[1:3, ])
colnames(MLcomp) <- paste("sim", 1:3)
kable(MLcomp, digits = 3)
sim 1 sim 2 sim 3
NSGEV -127.229 -193.43 -104.646
extR -224.028 -193.43 -104.646
ismev -217.656 -193.43 -104.646

so the estimation produced by NSGEV seems better for simulation #1\#1, since it leads to a greater log-likelihood. Note the estimated shape parameter ξ̂<1\widehat{\xi} < - 1 both with extRemes and ismev which can be considered as an alert. Indeed, as far as ξ<1\xi < -1 is allowed we could find an infinite log-likelihood and an estimated shape <1< - 1 can be considered as a non-convergence or as an error.

We notice that both extRemes::fevd and tend to find not infrequently very low values for the estimated shape, ξ̂<1\widehat{\xi} < -1.

xiRange <- apply(co[ , , "xi_0"], 2, range, na.rm = TRUE)
rownames(xiRange) <- c("shape min", "shape max")
kable(xiRange, digits = 3)
NSGEV extR ismev
shape min -0.518 -1.301 -1.558
shape max 0.428 0.428 1.073

In order to compare the maximised log-likelihoods for the two packages, we will consider that these are nearly equal when their absolute difference is <0.05<0.05 and set any NA value to -Inf

ML[] <- -Inf  
compML <- table(cut(ML[ , "NSGEV"] - ML[ , "extR"],
                    breaks = c(-Inf, -0.05, 0.05, Inf),
                    labels = c("NSGEV < extR",
                        "NSGEV ~ extR",
                        "NSGEV > extR")))
NSGEV < extR NSGEV ~ extR NSGEV > extR
0 381 19
plot(ML[ , c("NSGEV", "extR")], asp = 1, pch = 16, col = "orangered", cex = 0.8)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
Comparison of the maximised log-likelihoods.

Comparison of the maximised log-likelihoods.

compML <- table(cut(ML[ , "NSGEV"] - ML[ , "ismev"],
                    breaks = c(-Inf, -0.05, 0.05, Inf),
                    labels = c("NSGEV < ismev",
                        "NSGEV ~ ismev",
                        "NSGEV > ismev")))
NSGEV < ismev NSGEV ~ ismev NSGEV > ismev
0 360 40
plot(ML[ , c("NSGEV", "ismev")], asp = 1, pch = 16, col = "SeaGreen", cex = 0.8)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
Comparison of the maximised log-likelihoods.

Comparison of the maximised log-likelihoods.

We find that for this kind of model, the maximised log-likelihood found by NSGEV::TVGEV is comparable to that found by extRemes::fevd and is even greater for a quite large proportion of cases. More problems of convergence were found when using the function than when using the two other functions.

As a possible explanation for the fact that NSGEV::TVGEV performs better than the two other functions is that is uses better initial values, based on linear regression. However this way of getting initial values is straightforward only for models with constant scale and shape as is the case here.


In this example, we find that for the kind of model studied here.

  • All of the three functions NSGEV::TVGEV, extRemes::fevd and can experiment problems of convergence. These problems are much more frequent with than with the two other functions, and also seem to be pretty less frequent with NSGEV::TVGEV than with extRemes::fevd.

  • A problem with the functions extRemes::fevd and is that they quite often find estimates with a shape <1< -1 which can be considered as absurd. For the simulated data used here, the risk of finding ξ̂<1\widehat{\xi} < -1 is higher when the linear trend is stronger, i.e. when the slope takes a larger absolute value. Since real data usually show a weaker dependence on the covariates than the data used here, the problems of convergence shown here have been overstated.