This document was created with NSGEV 0.2.0.
The NSGEV package provides a class of R objects
representing models for observations following a Time-Varying
Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, usually block maxima, as
described in the chapter 6 of the book by Coles (Coles 2001). This class of models is named
. These models are specific Non-Stationary GEV
models: only slowly varying functions of the time can be used as
covariates. They can be fitted by using CRAN packages such as
ismev (Rpack_ismev?),
evd (Stephenson 2002),
extRemes (Gilleland and Katz
2016) and more. However with these packages, the particularities
of the Time-Varying context are not taken into account, and it is quite
difficult for instance to compute predictions. The TVGEV
class and its methods have the following features.
Return levels are easily computed for a given time.
The inference on return levels can be obtained by profile-likelihood, using a dedicated algorithm.
The return level specific to the time-varying framework of Parey et al (Parey, Sylvie and Hoang, Thi Thu Huong and Dacunha-Castelle, Didier 2010) can be computed as well as profile-likelihood confidence intervals on it.
Graphical diagnostics favour the ggplot system
(Wickham 2016). The autoplot
and autolayer
S3 methods are consequently used instead of
the plot
and lines
S3 methods of the classical
graphics package.
The present vignette shows how models can be specified and fitted, and illustrates the use of the principal methods.
We begin by using the dataset TXMax_Dijon
shipped with
the package.
## Year TXMax
## 1 1921 NA
## 2 1922 NA
## 3 1923 NA
## 4 1924 33.6
## 5 1925 34.2
## 6 1926 34.8
The data represent the annual maxima of the daily maximal temperature
) in Dijon (France). The time series is shown on the
next plot (R code not shown). The data are provided by European Climate Assessment and
The observations from 1980 on seem to be larger than that of the beginning of the series, motivating the use of a time-varying model.
As a possible model, a time-varying block maxima model relates the distribution of the response for the block (year) to the corresponding time , assuming that the observations are independent across blocks. We will assume here that has a GEV distribution with constant scale , a constant shape and a time-varying location . This model involves a vector of four unknown parameters.
We can fit this model by using several CRAN packages, for instance the extRemes package. With this package we need to exclude the missing values for the response
fite1 <- extRemes::fevd(x = TXMax,
data = subset(TXMax_Dijon, !,
type = "GEV", = ~Year)
Note that a classical formula is used to specify the model
as it is done for linear models with lm
. By default, a formula implies the use of a constant.
So the formula ~ Year
indeed implies the existence of the
We could have used equivalently an explicit constant with
~ 1 + Year
. On the contrary, a model with no constant
would have been specified by using the formula ~ Year - 1
This convention is used by most model fitting functions requiring a
formula in the linear model fashion, and TVGEV
will be no
By inspecting the content of the object or by reading the help, we can find the estimated values of the parameters
## mu0 mu1 scale shape
## 5.07814887 0.01414038 1.84726804 -0.19990410
## [1] 180.6135
We see that the estimated location increases by about
1.41 Celsius by
century, with an intercept value
5.08 Celsius corresponding to the year
We extracted as well the negative maximized log-likelihood stored in the
element results$value
To achieve nearly the same thing with the NSGEV
package, we need a little extra work: adding a column with class
to the data frame. Each observation of this date
column represents the beginning of a block. We can simply paste a month
and day indication -mm-dd
to the year in order to get a
POSIX format
## [1] "Date"
head(df$Date, n = 5)
## [1] "1921-01-01" "1922-01-01" "1923-01-01" "1924-01-01" "1925-01-01"
Note that we no longer have to remove the observations with a missing response. Now we can fit the same model
fitNLin <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = polynomX(date = Date, degree = 1),
loc = ~ t1)
## mu_0 mu_t1 sigma_0 xi_0
## 32.93752186 0.01527735 1.84567285 -0.20471258
## [1] -180.6005
## attr(,"df")
## [1] 4
## attr(,"nobs")
## [1] 87
Note that we used a formula as before but now the covariate is a
function of the date which is computed by the design function, here
. The design function essentially returns a numeric
matrix, the column of which can be used as covariates. So the name of
the covariates depend on the design function used. This will be further
explained later.
The estimated parameters are nearly the same as before, except for
the first one - due to a different origin taken for the linear trend.
Indeed, the time origin for R Dates is "1970-01-01"
. The
maximized log-likelihood is extracted by using the logLik
method which works for many classes of fitted models.
The “fitted model” object has class "TVGEV"
, and a
number of classical S3 methods with simple interpretation are
## [1] "TVGEV"
methods(class = "TVGEV")
## [1] anova autoplot bs cdf cdfMaxFun
## [6] coef confint density logLik mean
## [11] modelMatrices moment plot predict print
## [16] profLik psi2theta quantile quantMax quantMaxFun
## [21] residuals simulate summary vcov
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
For example we can use the classical confint
method to
display confidence intervals on the parameters
## , , 95%
## L U
## mu_0 32.5048 33.3702
## mu_t1 -0.0005 0.0310
## sigma_0 1.5412 2.1502
## xi_0 -0.3489 -0.0605
The results (by default based on the delta method) show that is within the interval on the slope , though being very close to the lower bound. The confidence interval on the shape suggest that this parameter is negative.
As is generally the case with the S3 class/methods system for R,
the methods should be used by invoking the generic function,
e.g. confint
. However the help for the methods can be found
by using the “dotted” name such as ?confint.TVGEV
. A method
implemented for a specific class usually has specific arguments that are
not found in the generic. For instance, the confint
for the class "TVGEV"
has a specific method
argument that allows choosing the inference method, with the three
choices "delta"
(default), "boot"
Quite obviously, we can fit a model with a constant trend by using the relevant formula
fitNConst <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = polynomX(date = Date, degree = 1),
loc = ~ 1)
## mu_0 sigma_0 xi_0
## 32.94616 1.87935 -0.19645
Since the design function is not used when the three GEV parameters
are constant, we can use TVGEV
without its
## mu_0 sigma_0 xi_0
## 32.94616 1.87935 -0.19645
Note however that we still require that the response and the date are provided as columns of a data frame.
As a general rule, a time-varying model should always be compared to
a simpler model with three constant GEV parameters. For that aim, we can
perform a likelihood-ratio test, which is by convention attached to the
method in R.
anova(fitNConst, fitNLin)
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## df deviance W Pr(>W)
## fitNConst 3 364.74
## fitNLin 4 361.20 3.5412 0.05986 .
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The -value is > 0.05, so if we assume that there could be a global linear trend on the location, we would accept the null hypothesis at the level.
We can investigate different forms of trend, using different designs.
Now let us have a look at the design function polynomX
which was used before. We can call it using the date column of the data
frame df
passed to the formal argument date
the function.
## [1] "bts" "matrix"
## Block time series
## o First block: 1921-01-01
## o Last block: 2016-01-01
## date Cst t1
## 1921-01-01 1.00000 -48.99932
## 1922-01-01 1.00000 -48.00000
## 1923-01-01 1.00000 -47.00068
## 1924-01-01 1.00000 -46.00137
## 1925-01-01 1.00000 -44.99932
## 1926-01-01 1.00000 -44.00000
The result is an object with class "bts"
, inheriting
from the class "matrix"
, with two columns. We guess that
the column named Cst
is a column of ones as commonly used
in linear regression, and that the column t1
is a linear
trend in years with its origin set 49 years after 1921-01-01, so near
1970-01-01. Note that a TVGEV
model does not need to use
all the basis functions of the design: we did not use the constant
, because a constant basis function is generated by
default when the formula is parsed.
The class "bts"
describes objects representing block
times series. It is quite similar to the "mts"
class of the
forecast package. A few methods are implemented for
this class e.g. the autoplot
method. To illustrate this
method, we consider a different design function involving broken line
splines, namely the function breaksX
The basis functions are now splines with degree
The first function named t1
is a linear function and for
each “break” date given in breaks
, a broken line function
is added to the basis.
There are other design functions. These are consistently used in
as follows.
When the model is fitted, the data frame specified with the
formal argument must contain a column giving the
date of the beginning of each block. The column name is specified
by using the date
formal argument of
The date column is passed to a design function given in
the design
formal argument. The value of
is a call to the chosen function, using the chosen
column of data
as the date
of the design
The block maxima model is specified through formulas linking the GEV parameters to the columns of the design matrix.
The fitted model object keeps track of the design function used and therefore can use it on a “new” period of time to make a prediction.
We can use the breaksX
design function to specify a
continuous broken line form for the location
fitNBreak <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970)
## mu_0 mu_t1 mu_t1_1970 sigma_0 xi_0
## 32.06638460 -0.02392656 0.07728411 1.75541862 -0.18112018
The location parameter now involves three parameters according to
is the “positive part” function and where
corresponds to the break point in time. Note that the slope of the
is given by
before the break point, and by
after that point. This corresponds to the two estimated slopes in
Celsius by century:
-2.4 (before break) and
5.3 (after). Since
represents the change of slope, we could decide whether the change of
slope is significant or not by querying whether a confidence interval on
or not. Another solution based on anova
is described
To assess the change in the distribution of
many graphical diagnostics can be produced with NSGEV.
For instance we can use the quantile
method, which produces
a bts
block time-series that can be autoplotted
Since the estimated value of the shape parameter is negative, all the GEV distributions for the observations are estimated as having a finite upper end-point . We can find this value by setting the probability to in the quantile function. Remind that we use the estimated distribution, so the shown upper end-point is the estimate . We could infer on the unknown value by using confidence intervals. The value of is the return level (conditional on ) corresponding to an infinite return period .
The two models corresponding to the objects fitNLin
are nested: by setting
in the second model, we retrieve the first one. So we can perform a
likelihood-ratio test as above.
anova(fitNLin, fitNBreak)
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## df deviance W Pr(>W)
## fitNLin 4 361.2
## fitNBreak 5 354.4 6.7982 0.009125 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We see from the very small
labelled Pr(>W)
that the null hypothesis
must be rejected in favour of a break at the chosen break time as
defended by fitNBreak
A limitation of the fitNBreak
model is that the break
time can not be estimated simply. The same problem arises for the
Gaussian regression known as kink regression. So we can try
another basis of slowly varying functions which is flexible enough to
describe a smooth transition between two linear trends with different
As a third example of design, we will use the natural spline
design as implemented by natSplineX
. With this design, we
need to give two boundary knots as well as a number of knots between the
boundary knots. Along with its flexibility, an interesting property of
this basis is that the extrapolation outside of the boundary knots is
“only” linear. By using polynomials of degree
we would get a quadratic trend which becomes unrealistic even for a
small amount of extrapolation.
X1 <- natSplineX(date = df$Date, knots = "1970-01-01",
boundaryKnots = c("1921-01-01", "2017-01-01"))
autoplot(X1, facets = TRUE)
The basis functions are linearly independent but they span a linear
space which contains the constant
in other words, if we add a column of ones to unclass(X1)
we get a matrix with four columns but with rank
So we can either use a constant and two of the basis functions, or use
the three basis function but we then have to remove the default
constant as follows.
fitNNS <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = natSplineX(date = Date, knots = "1970-01-01",
boundaryKnots = c("1920-01-01", "2017-01-01")),
loc = ~ ns1 + ns2 + ns3 - 1)
As before the models corresponding to fitNLin
are nested because the basis functions used in
(the implicit constant
and the linear function t1
) both are in the linear space
generated by the natural spline basis. So we can use the
anova(fitNLin, fitNNS)
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## df deviance W Pr(>W)
## fitNLin 4 361.20
## fitNNS 5 354.14 7.0651 0.00786 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Again we see that fitNNS
fits the data significantly
better than fitNLin
does. We can not compare the two models
and fitNNS
by using
because they are no longer nested. However since
these two models have the same number of parameters, using AIC or BIC
would conclude to a slight advantage in favour of fitNNS
which has a slightly smaller deviance, hence a slightly larger
## Breaks Natural Spline
## 376.7323 376.4654
A possible source of problems, the design matrices created by the
design functions can take large values. Indeed, a date is considered as
a number of days for a given origin; for a long series we will get basis
functions with values of several thousands or even much more when
polynomials with degree
are used. In order to facilitate the task of maximizing the likelihood,
it is worth using the origin
formal argument of the
provided design functions, setting it to a date close to the mean date
of the series.
With time-varying models or non-stationary models, the concept of return level becomes quite messy, because many reasonable definitions can be given. The simplest return levels are the conditional ones, obtained by fixing a time and by considering the quantiles of the fitted distribution for that specific time.
pBreak <- predict(fitNBreak)
## Since 'object' is really time-varying, the Return Levels
## depend on the date. A default choice of dates is made here.
## Use the 'newdate' formal to change this.
As suggested by the warning message, three “round” values are chosen
by default for the time
and the return level plots are shown for each of these in a specific
facet of the plot. Note that the axis could have used a probability of
exceedance on a yearly basis rather than a period in years. We can make
a different choice by using the newdate
optional argument
of predict
, see ?predict.TVGEV
Each of the return levels is computed with a confidence interval with
its default level set to
By default, the delta method is used, resulting in symmetrical
confidence intervals. Two alternative methods can be used by setting the
optional argument confintMethod
: profile-likelihood and
bootstrap. With the profile-likelihood method, a constrained
optimization method is repeatedly used and convergence diagnostics are
printed by default. To save space we remove these by setting the
pBreakPL <- predict(fitNBreak, confintMethod = "proflik", trace = 0)
## Since 'object' is really time-varying, the Return Levels
## depend on the date. A default choice of dates is made here.
## Use the 'newdate' formal to change this.
## Warning in plot.predict.TVGEV(pBreakPL): Inasmuch the plot is actually a
## 'ggplot', it is better to use the 'autoplot' method for consistency
Unconditional return levels can be defined for the time-varying framework. These are obtained by aggregating several times corresponding to a prediction period. Many definitions are possible; a natural requirement is that the usual definition continues to hold when a stationary model is considered as time-varying.
Following Parey et al (Parey, Sylvie and Hoang, Thi Thu Huong and Dacunha-Castelle, Didier 2010), we can define the return level corresponding to years as the level such that the number of exceedances over in the “next years” has unit expectation . The notion of “next” year is relative to a time origin that can be chosen.
pUCBreak <- predictUncond(fitNBreak, newdateFrom = "2020-01-01",
confintMethod = "proflik", trace = 0)
## Warning in plot.predict.TVGEV(pUCBreak): Inasmuch the plot is actually a
## 'ggplot', it is better to use the 'autoplot' method for consistency
kable(pUCBreak, digits = 2)
Date | Period | Level | Quant | L | U |
2020-01-01 | 5 | 95% | 37.15 | 35.97 | 38.38 |
2020-01-01 | 10 | 95% | 38.23 | 36.95 | 39.62 |
2020-01-01 | 20 | 95% | 39.31 | 37.82 | 41.00 |
2020-01-01 | 30 | 95% | 40.04 | 38.33 | 42.01 |
2020-01-01 | 40 | 95% | 40.65 | 38.71 | 42.89 |
2020-01-01 | 50 | 95% | 41.22 | 39.03 | 43.72 |
2020-01-01 | 70 | 95% | 42.30 | 39.57 | 45.36 |
2020-01-01 | 100 | 95% | 43.90 | 40.29 | 47.85 |
For instance the return level corresponding to
years for the origin "2020-01-01"
should be exceeded once
(on average) during the 30 years 2021 to 2050. This level is estimated
here to be 40.04 Celsius.
Note that an alternative definition of the return level can be
implemented as a function
of the parameter vector
of the model. Under quite general conditions, such a return level can be
regarded as a parameter of the model in a re-parameterization of it,
hence we can infer on it as we do for a parameter. To achieve this in
practice, the return level must be implemented as a R function with
signature function(object, psi)
where object
has class "TVGEV"
and psi
stands for the
parameter vector. The profLik
method can then be used to
infer on the return level using the profile-likelihood method, see
. This method can work for any smooth
function having the previous signature.
Rather than trying to generalize the definition of a return level to the time-varying framework, one can simply consider the random maximum where the maximum is over a set of blocks. The most common case is when is a future period , , , such as the lifetime or design life (Rootzén and Katz 2013) of an equipment, and one want to assess a risk related to the possible exceedance over some high level during this period. Since the blocks are assumed to be independent we have
where the dependence on the parameter is through . Note that in general does not follow a GEV distribution.
The corresponding quantile function can be computed numerically either by solving or by interpolating from couples of values probability, quantile . For a given probability , the derivative of the corresponding quantile w.r.t. can be obtained by the implicit function theorem and can be used to infer on the quantile.
In NSGEV, the quantMax
method can be
used to produce a table of values for the quantile function from a
object. Such a table is given the S3 class
for which an autoplot
has been implemented
newDate <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", 2025:2054))
qM <- quantMax(fitNBreak, date = newDate, level = c(0.70, 0.95))
gqM <- autoplot(qM) +
ggtitle("Maximum on years 2025-2054 with delta confidence intervals")
The plot shows the quantile against the probability of exceedance using a Gumbel scale. So if happens to be Gumbel (as can happen in the stationary case) the quantile line will be a straight line. When the period of interest is increased the maximum becomes stochastically larger. For instance, with a fixed beginning if the duration of the period is increased the maximum becomes stochastically larger: all quantiles are increased.
It is worth noting that as far as a small probability of exceedance is concerned, the expected value of the random number of exceedances over the corresponding quantile is . This approximation is acceptable when .
On the previous plot, confidence intervals based on the delta method are shown. It is now possible to use profile likelihood intervals, at the price of an increased computation time.
qM2 <- quantMax(fitNBreak, date = newDate, level = c(0.70, 0.95),
confint = "proflik")
gqM2 <- autoplot(qM2) +
ggtitle("Maximum on years 2025-2054 with profile likelihood intervals")
Needless to say, for a small probability of exceedance, the upper bound of the profile likelihood confidence interval is much larger than that of the delta interval.
The simulate
method is implemented in many R packages,
with the aim to simulate new data from a given model. It has been
implemented for the TVGEV
class. A fitted model object can
be used to simulate new paths either for the fitting time period or for
a new one.
We can use a different period to better understand how the model anticipates new data
nd <- seq(from = as.Date("2020-01-01"), length = 10, by = "years")
autoplot(simulate(fitNBreak, nsim = 10, newdate = nd))
The simulated paths are here drawn in colour with a legend because
their number is small enough. Note that simulate
functionally close to a prediction: the mean of a large number of
simulated paths is close to the expectation used in a prediction and the
uncertainty on the prediction can be assessed by using the dispersion of
the simulated paths.
The generalized residuals are random variables
related to the observations
so they form a block time-series. The distribution of
should be nearly the same for all blocks
and the dependence between the blocks should be weak (Cox and Snell 2018). Several definitions of the
residuals are possible, in relation with a target distribution. A simple
choice is
which should lead nearly to a uniform distribution on the interval
Other possible choices are
for a standard exponential target as used by Panagoulia, Economou, and Caroni (2014) and by
Katz, Parlange, and Naveau (2002), or
for a standard Gumbel target. Note that the resid
method of
the package uses an increasing transformation so that
large/small residuals correspond to large/small observations. When the
GEV marginal distributions have a nearly exponential tail
using the standard Gumbel target for the generalized residuals can be
preferred because this will use a milder transformation of the data.
This is now the default choice.
The horizontal lines show an interval with approximate probability . The use of these residuals is similar to that in the usual linear regression framework where the distribution of the standardized residuals is close to the standard normal.
As shown before the parameters of the model can be extracted by using
the coef
method. Using a non-standard terminology which
seems specific to the package, we can say that these are the “psi”
parameters. But we can be interested as well by the GEV parameters
that we can call “theta”
Since these parameters depend on the time
we can consider them as forming a block time series. We can “extract”
these parameters by using the optional formal type
of the
method; this leads to a bts
object that
can be autoplotted. Remind that the physical dimensions of the
parameters differ -
have the dimension of the
is dimensionless - so we have better show each series in a facet with
its own
Several methods can be used to assess the marginal distribution of
for a specific time
or at a collection of times given by a date
argument. With
the default date = NULL
, the methods quantile
, moments
for the class
return time series objects that can be
“autoplotted” to plot the quantiles or the mean (expectation) against
the date as it was shown before. The help page with examples can be
displayed in the usual way, e.g. with ?quantile.TVGEV
The density
and cdf
methods both return a
functional time series: a collection of functions depending on the date.
These can be autoplotted as well.
If needed, the time series with class "bts"
can be
coerced into a standard time series inheriting from "ts"
for which many methods have been written in different packages.
A large number of response vectors are simulated or “re-sampled” corresponding to , , . These simulated values can be stored into a matrix with rows and columns. For each vector , the MLE of the “psi” parameter vector is computed. The sample quantiles of the can then be used to provide a confidence interval on .
The bs
method takes a TVGEV
object as its
first argument and computes the bootstrapped “psi” parameters
These bootstrapped parameters are in fact stored as the rows of the
element of the returned list.
myBoot <- bs(fitNBreak)
## Warning in MLE.TVGEV(object, y = y[, b], estim = estim, ...): convergence not
## reached in optimisation
## [1] "estimate" "negLogLik" "R" "optim" "type"
head(myBoot$estimate, n = 3)
## mu_0 mu_t1 mu_t1_1970 sigma_0 xi_0
## [1,] 32.18540 -0.02209687 0.07976180 1.901520 -0.2294907
## [2,] 31.72127 -0.04716687 0.09096013 1.613856 -0.1025511
## [3,] 31.90407 -0.02768300 0.08830328 1.636649 -0.1734725
Note that the default number of replicates R
is very
small and has been set for a purely illustrative use. A well-accepted
It is easy to derive from the theta parameters the corresponding
block times series of “thetas”
Broadly speaking we have to apply the function psi2theta
each line of the matrix returned as the estimate
element of
the result.
mu <- apply(myBoot$estimate, MARGIN = 1,
FUN = function(x, model) psi2theta(psi = x, model = model)[ , 1],
model = fitNBreak)
autoplot(bts(mu, date = fitNBreak$fDate)) + ggtitle("bootstrapped values for mu")
One the bootstrapped values for the “psi” parameters have been
computed, they can be used to later infer on the return periods at a
short computing cost. In that aim, a new element named boot
must be added to the fitted model.
fitNBreak$boot <- myBoot
Note however that this is a kind of “hack”. Some care is needed to
ensure that the new boot
element is consistent with the
right fitted model using the right data.
Since most modern computers use multicore processors, a parallel
computation can be used to achieve substantial saving in the computing
time. See the example in the help page of boot.ts
to see
how this can be achieved.
Two methods can be used to “resample” (Panagoulia, Economou, and Caroni 2014)
Parametric. For , , , the value is drawn as where is the MLE of the vector of the three GEV parameters corresponding to the block , which is a function of .
Non-parametric. For , , , the generalized residuals are resampled to form a vector with the wanted size . Each residual is back-transformed to a response .
The second method is also known under the names fixed- resampling and resampling from the residuals.
The bootstrap can also be used to infer on the return levels, either conditional or unconditional. For example, the conditional return level corresponding the the period of blocks and for the given time can be inferred by using the quantiles of the return periods which are computed as for .
S3 class and its dedicated methods allow a
simple use of time-varying GEV models, including prediction. Some
functionality of the package such as the simulation are not found in
more classical packages, to our best knowledge. However
Only known functions of time can be used as covariates.
Each of GEV parameters can only depend on the time covariates through a linear function of these.
The parameters can not be share across GEV parameters.
To illustrate 1., we can not use a binary variable indicator of a site in order to build a regional model. To illustrate 2., the GEV location can be but not have the form . To illustrate 3., we can not have both and , because the parameters and are then used both by the location and the scale .
In practice, the time will be represented by a date object,
and the POSIX format "yyyy-mm-dd"
or in R
will be favored. The R base
package has a "Date"
class which is used by
## [1] "Date"
## [1] "2020-01-01"
format(myDate, "%d %B %Y")
## [1] "01 January 2020"
myDate <- seq(from = as.Date("1980-01-01"), by = "years", length = 40)
x <- runif(length(myDate))
plot(myDate, x, type = "o", xlab = "")
The lubridate package (Grolemund and Wickham 2011) has functions that can help to cope with date.
You can add new design functions. A design function:
Must have its first argument named date
. This
argument is intended to be passed either as an object with class
or as an object which will be coerced automatically
to this class by using as.Date
. For instance, a character
vector in POSIX format should work.
Must return a matrix with the basis function as its columns. It
must also have an attribute named "date"
containing the
date vector. This object should be created either by using the
function (creator for the class) or by simply giving
the class c("bts", "matrix")
to a matrix with the suitable
Let us consider again the broken line trend discussed above, namely
As mentioned before, the date
of a change of slope can be considered as an unknown parameter, but the
model then no longer has the form for TVGEV
objects, so it
can no longer be estimated by using directly the TVGEV
function. Yet we can find the value of
by maximizing the log-likelihood over a vector of candidate values:
estimating a TVGEV
model for each value will provide the
corresponding log-likelihoods. For a given year we can create a suitable
formatted date with the sprintf
function as follows
yearBreaks <- c(1940, 1950, 1955, 1960:2000, 2005, 2010)
res <- list()
for (ib in seq_along(yearBreaks)) {
d <- sprintf("%4d-01-01", yearBreaks[[ib]])
floc <- as.formula(sprintf("~ t1 + t1_%4d", yearBreaks[[ib]]))
res[[d]] <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = d, degree = 1),
loc = floc)
We now have a list res
objects and the log-likelihood of each
object can be extracted by using logLik
. So we can plot the
log-likelihood against the year and find the “best” object with maximal
ll <- sapply(res, logLik)
plot(yearBreaks, ll, type = "o", pch = 21, col = "orangered",
lwd = 2, bg = "gold", xlab = "break", ylab = "log-lik")
iMax <- which.max(ll)
abline(v = yearBreaks[iMax])
abline(h = ll[iMax] - c(0, qchisq(0.95, df = 1) /2),
col = "SpringGreen3", lwd = 2)
Although the points show a profiled log-likelihood, the regularity conditions that must hold in ML estimation are not fulfilled, because the log-likelihood is not differentiable w.r.t. . As a consequence, the usual level (shown as the lower horizontal line in green here) does not provide a confidence interval on the unknown .
As an experimental feature, inequality constraints on the parameters
can be imposed. The constraints are simple “box” constraints of the form
are given. These constraints can only be used when the likelihood is
maximized with the nloptr
package. If needed, they can be
given for some parameters only, letting the other bounds fixed at their
default values
In practice, the constraints are given by using a named vector, and
hence the names of the parameters must be known. These names can be
retrieved if needed by first using estim = "none"
fitNBreak2 <-
TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970,
estim = "nloptr",
coefLower = c("xi_0" = -0.15), coefUpper = c("xi_0" = 0.0))
## Warning in MLE.TVGEV(object = tv, y = NULL, psi0 = psi0, estim = estim, :
## convergence not reached in optimisation
## mu_0 mu_t1 mu_t1_1970 sigma_0 xi_0
The GEV shape parameter is usually taken as constant, not time-varying; inasmuch the log-likelihood is when , a lower bound should normally be set. In practice, this is usually not needed because for numerical reasons the optimization will converge to a local maximum with and a finite log-likelihood rather than to a parameter vector with the infinite maximal log-likelihood.
The constraints can be used to set a parameter to a given value by taking and .
fitNBreak3 <-
TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970,
estim = "nloptr",
coefLower = c("mu_t1" = -0.02, "xi_0" = -0.2),
coefUpper = c("mu_t1" = -0.02, "xi_0" = 0.1))
## Warning in MLE.TVGEV(object = tv, y = NULL, psi0 = psi0, estim = estim, : some
## estimated parameters at the bounds, inference results are misleading
## mu_0 mu_t1 mu_t1_1970 sigma_0 xi_0
## 32.13623265 -0.02000000 0.07108756 1.75700613 -0.18234029