The NSGEV package is dedicated to Non-Stationary models with Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) observations which are often called Extreme Value Regression models. These concern data with observations attached to blocks , , , , typically years. A response variable has one observation for each block, which is typically a maximum reached within the block . The response relates to a vector of covariates with observations . The r.vs are assumed to be independent with GEV margin
and the three GEV parameters can depend on the covariates in through a link function. For example with one covariate we can use
where and are parameters to be estimated. The pseudo-index of is used to show which GEV parameter relates to. We can have similarly a formula and a link for the scale and even for the shape , leading to parameters and .
An alternative notation for the GEV distribution uses the vector and writes . The GEV parameters which depend on the block should not be confused with the parameters of the model, which do not depend on the block .
This report mainly focuses on Time-Varying models which are
the main concern in the package, and are used as objects of a S3 class
named "TVGEV"
. In this setting, the blocks are assumed to
have the same duration; Moreover, attached with each block
we have a date
which can conveniently chosen as the beginning of the block. The GEV
parameters are now linked to covariates which are deterministic
For instance, a quadratic trend can be used for the location parameter
An implicit assumption is that the GEV parameters should vary slowly, with only very small variation from a block to the next one. So the choice of a specific reference date within the block does not really matter. We can think of the vector of GEV parameters as a time-varying with a slow variation.
models, we assume that each GEV parameter is
linked to a linear combination of the trend functions having the form
The standard R formulas for linear models can be used to specify the
dependence of each GEV parameter on the basis covariates via an object
with class "formula"
Although Time-Varying models may appear as special cases of more general Non-Stationary models, they deserve a special treatment because it is often a concern then to make special ‘predictions’ in relation with a period of time or an origin.
Remark. Choosing the begining of a block as reference date is convenient because the it is easy to convert a year number and a reference date are easily converted into each other.
Within the package are “design functions” which provide bases of functions. A basis consist in linearly independent functions of the date forming a covariate vector of length with elements
By evaluating the basis functions at the reference dates for , , , we get a “design” matrix with rows and columns as in a linear regression framework. As suggested by the use of a zero index, a basis might embed the constant function . For a polynomial basis, we can take for to . However it is often necessary to scale the basis functions because they can otherwise take large values, which can cause problems in likelihood maximisation. A simple and widely adopted precaution consists in changing the origin, i.e. in using for some chosen origin . By taking the origin as roughly located at the centre of the time period used in the fit will neatly facilitate the estimation.
For now, the design functions include: polynomial basis, natural spline basis, and (continuous) broken line basis. Using the broken line basis, it is possible to specify a kink regression, but only with a known date for the change of slope.
In NSGEV, the definition of the design function used by a TVGEV model is attached to the R object representing a fitted model. So for a given “new” block given its reference date we can straightforwardly obtain the estimated from the covariate vector and the vector of the estimated parameters.
As a special case of TVGEV model, the ordinary stationary model is obtained with all three GEV parameters being constant for all . Because the ML estimation and the profile-likelihood inference of this model can be taken over by many R packages, it will be used in the tests.
Although the ML estimates can be obtained by several existing R
packages it was found convenient to have a log-likelihood maximisation
inside the package. Two choices are available via the estim
argument of the NSGEV::TVGEV
estim = "optim"
uses the classical optimisation
function stats::optim
, as do most EV packages. The gradient
is not used in this case.
estim = "nloptr"
uses the
function. It uses the exact gradient of the
log-likelihood, which is computed by chain rule.
The choice estim = "nloptr"
should lead to a faster
optimisation because of the use of the gradient. Note that using the
gradient in ML estimation is not widespread among EV packages; the
extRemes packages seems to be only one to make use of
the gradients.
We speak of prediction although this term does not have its usual
statistical meaning; it is consistent with the use of the
method of R which produces some features of the
distribution of a “new” random variable, for instance moments.
The conditional prediction relates to a specific “target” or “new” block or to the corresponding reference date . The unknown vector of the GEV parameters can be estimated, and along with its estimate we have an estimate of the return level corresponding to a given period of years
The unconditional or integrated prediction relates to a period of time i.e., a collection of consecutive blocks given by its start date and its end date e.g., the next century. The Non-Stationary Return Level of Parey et al. (Parey, Sylvie and Hoang, Thi Thu Huong and Dacunha-Castelle, Didier 2010) is defined as the level such that the (random) number of exceedances over has expectation on the chosen period.
The profile-likelihood method uses an original implementation differing from the one usually retained. Given a confidence level , the usual method to find a confidence interval on the return level for a fixed period consists in the following steps.
Re-parameterize the model by replacing one of the parameters by . The constant in the inverse link for the location is a good candidate when it exists. The model now depends on and on the vector say of the remaining parameters.
Consider the profile log-likelihood
is the value of
fixed. Then, find the values
such that
relates to the quantile of the chi-square distribution with one degree
of freedom according to
. Normally,
two solutions
exist, one on both sides of the ML estimate
These solutions can be found by using a standard numerical method such
as that implemented in the uniroot
function. Note that the
value of
depends on
and that each evaluation of the profile log-likelihood requires a
In NSGEV, we do not re-parameterise the model but rather solve constrained optimization problems. The upper end-point of the confidence interval is found by solving
where is as above. A minimisation problem with the same constraint is solved to find the lower end-point . In both cases, we solve one constrained -dimensional problem.
A major advantage of this alternative approach is that it does not require a re-parameterization. To a certain extend, we can consider that the optimisation routine will perform automatically a local re-parameterisation of the model in connection with the constraint. A drawback is that the convergence of the constrained optimisation is more difficult to check than that of the zero finding e.g., graphically. However it can happen in the classical method that the -dimensional optimisation fails, meaning that the profile-likelihood function evaluation is not correctly evaluated, with possible consequences on the zero-finding task. It is clear that the constraint in our method must be active at both optima, which provides a possible convergence diagnostic.
A number of other packages available on CRAN can be used to estimate Time Varying GEV models as special cases of Non-Stationary GEV models. Maybe the oldest of these, evd can only cope with a TV location only, the scale and shape parameters being unknown but fixed. Some packages can use more than one observation by block, a possibility known under the name of -largest values analysis. This is not allowed in NSGEV.
package | fun | trend | r.largest |
climextRemes | fit_gev |
loc, scale, shape | no |
evd | fgev |
loc only | no |
eva | gevrFit |
loc, scale, shape | yes |
extRemes | fevd |
loc, scale, shape | no |
ismev | |
loc, scale, shape | no |
ismev | |
loc, scale, shape | yes |
loc, scale, shape | no |
The original features of NSGEV that are (to our best knowledge) not found in other packages
Return levels in the TV framework for a given origin.
Profile-likelihood confidence intervals on parameters and on return levels.
Estimation and inference on the TV Return Level for a given period of time.
Check that the ML estimates are correct. It is impossible to get the correct Maximum Likelihood using any TV model and any data. Thus we expect that for data which are in good accordance with TV models having slowly varying trend: Either the ML estimation will be successful, or a non-convergence message will be given.
Check that the profile-likelihood based confidence intervals are are correct, with the same limitation on data and models.
In both cases, the results should be compared to those returned by other EV packages. We will mainly use ismev (Rpack_ismev?) and extRemes (Gilleland and Katz 2016), because they are often cited for the analysis of TV models. Note that according to CRAN logs, evd (Stephenson 2002) remains (by far) the most downloaded EV package from the CRAN.
A fist possibility is to reproduce examples from the literature: The
ismev package is shipped with several classical
datasets: venice
, portpirie
, … that have been
used in textbooks, articles or slideshows. As far as the results
obtained by
are in good agreement with the
published results, we can use them as benchmark. A second possibility is
to use simulated data. In this case, that the data are necessarily in
good accordance with the model, but we do not know the ‘exact’ results
of ML estimation of profile-likelihood. We can then compare the results
provided by several packages.
For now, the following reports are available.
Simulated trend example estimates the parameters from data generated by a TVGEV model. The trend to be estimated is the same as the ‘true’ trend used to generate the data.
Venice example was studied by Coles (Coles 2001) and later (among others) by Fawcett.
Profile-likelihood uses classical data sets from Stuart Coles’ book (Coles 2001) and compares the profile-likelihood given by NSGEV to that given by ismev.
Non-Stationary Return Level uses
model for the Orange
data shipped with
NSGEV and simulations from this model to check that the
value of the RL computed by predictUncond