
In this report, we compare profile-likelihood inference results given by NSGEV with those of other packages, mainly ismev. We make use of classical data.

Port Pirie data

ML Estimation

data(portpirie, package = "ismev")
df <- portpirie
df <- within(df, date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
fitNSGEV <- try(TVGEV(data = df, response = "SeaLevel", date = "date"))
fitismev <- gev.fit(xdat = df$SeaLev)
## $conv
## [1] 0
## $nllh
## [1] -4.339058
## $mle
## [1]  3.87474692  0.19804120 -0.05008773
## $se
## [1] 0.02793211 0.02024610 0.09825633
fitextRemes <- extRemes::fevd(x = df$SeaLev, type = "GEV")

rbind("NVSGEV" = coef(fitNSGEV),
      "ismev" = fitismev$mle,
      "extRemes" = fitextRemes$results$par)
##              mu_0   sigma_0        xi_0
## NVSGEV   3.874751 0.1980449 -0.05012018
## ismev    3.874747 0.1980412 -0.05008773
## extRemes 3.874750 0.1980440 -0.05010950

Confidence Intervals on Parameters

The check_confint function checks the computation of the profile-likelihood intervals on the shape parameter. This is a graphical test: on the plot produced by ismev::prof.xi, we add two green vertical lines showing the confidence limits for the shape parameter given by the confint method for the class "TVGEV". We must check that both lines cut the profile-likelihood curve at a point with an ordinate matching the lowest horizontal blue line.

check_confint(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.95)
## o Finding CI for "mu_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:    3.82
##    Constraint check  0.0000000,    -2.4183
##    95%, upper bound:    3.93
##    Constraint & value -0.0000030,    -2.4183
## o Finding CI for "sigma_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:    0.16
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,    -2.4183
##    95%, upper bound:    0.24
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,    -2.4183
## o Finding CI for "xi_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:   -0.22
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,    -2.4183
##    95%, upper bound:    0.17
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,    -2.4183
## If routine fails, try changing plotting interval
Confidence level 95%.

Confidence level 95%.

check_confint(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.70)
## o Finding CI for "mu_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:    3.85
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,    -3.8020
##    70%, upper bound:    3.90
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,    -3.8020
## o Finding CI for "sigma_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:    0.18
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,    -3.8020
##    70%, upper bound:    0.22
##    Constraint & value -0.0000001,    -3.8020
## o Finding CI for "xi_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:   -0.14
##    Constraint check -0.0000001,    -3.8020
##    70%, upper bound:    0.06
##    Constraint & value  0.0000000,    -3.8020
## If routine fails, try changing plotting interval
Confidence level 70%.

Confidence level 70%.

Confidence Intervals on Return levels

The check_predict function checks the computation of the profile-likelihood confidence intervals on return levels. As for check_confint, the check is essentially graphical. On each plot, the two vertical lines show the confidence limits given by the predict method for the class "TVGEV". We must check that both lines cut the profile-likelihood curve at a point with an ordinate matching the lowest horizontal blue line.

check_predict(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.95)
Confidence level 95%.

Confidence level 95%.

check_predict(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.70)
Confidence level 70%.

Confidence level 70%.

Note that the function is rather verbose, so the results have been hidden.

Fremantle data

ML Estimation

data(fremantle, package = "ismev")
df <- fremantle
df <- within(df, date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
fitNSGEV <- try(TVGEV(data = df, response = "SeaLevel", date = "date"))
fitismev <- gev.fit(xdat = df$SeaLev)
## $conv
## [1] 0
## $nllh
## [1] -43.56663
## $mle
## [1]  1.4823409  0.1412671 -0.2174320
## $se
## [1] 0.01672502 0.01149461 0.06377394
fitextRemes <- extRemes::fevd(x = df$SeaLev, type = "GEV")

rbind("NVSGEV" = coef(fitNSGEV),
      "ismev" = fitismev$mle,
      "extRemes" = fitextRemes$results$par)
##              mu_0   sigma_0       xi_0
## NVSGEV   1.482298 0.1412784 -0.2172317
## ismev    1.482341 0.1412671 -0.2174320
## extRemes 1.482342 0.1412723 -0.2174282

Confidence Intervals on Parameters

check_confint(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.95)
## o Finding CI for "mu_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:    1.45
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,   -41.6459
##    95%, upper bound:    1.52
##    Constraint & value -0.0000001,   -41.6459
## o Finding CI for "sigma_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:    0.12
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,   -41.6459
##    95%, upper bound:    0.17
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,   -41.6459
## o Finding CI for "xi_0"
##    o 95%, lower bound:   -0.33
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,   -41.6459
##    95%, upper bound:   -0.08
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,   -41.6459
## If routine fails, try changing plotting interval
Confidence level 95%.

Confidence level 95%.

check_confint(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.70)
## o Finding CI for "mu_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:    1.46
##    Constraint check  0.0000000,   -43.0295
##    70%, upper bound:    1.50
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,   -43.0295
## o Finding CI for "sigma_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:    0.13
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,   -43.0295
##    70%, upper bound:    0.15
##    Constraint & value -0.0000001,   -43.0295
## o Finding CI for "xi_0"
##    o 70%, lower bound:   -0.28
##    Constraint check -0.0000000,   -43.0295
##    70%, upper bound:   -0.15
##    Constraint & value -0.0000000,   -43.0295
## If routine fails, try changing plotting interval
Confidence level 70%.

Confidence level 70%.

Confidence Intervals on Return levels

check_predict(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.95)
Condidence level 95%.

Condidence level 95%.

check_predict(fitNSGEV, ref = fitismev, level = 0.70)
Confidence level 70%.

Confidence level 70%.


It can happen that one of the bound of a confidence interval is not found and remains NA. This seems to be most often the case for the lower bound.