Plot method for NSGEV
A NSGEV object
Not used.
An integer. The value 1
will lead to a plot
with the observation number used for the \(x\) axis. With the
value 2
the \(x\) axis is the covariate, assuming that
there is only one covariate.
A numeric vector with two probabilities used to set
the ylim
parameter of plot.default
. The model
quantiles for these probabilites are computed and added to the
range used to choose ylim
Not used yet.
Other arguments to be passed to methods.
#> NSGEV> df <- data.frame(t = 1:10)
#> NSGEV> ## built a model with given coefficients
#> NSGEV> psi <- c("alpha" = 1, "beta" = 0.01, "delta" = 0.6, "xi" = 0.06)
#> NSGEV> ns0 <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ alpha + beta * t, "scale" = ~ delta, "shape" = ~ xi),
#> NSGEV+ data = df, psi = psi)
#> NSGEV> ## simulate a path
#> NSGEV> set.seed(1234)
#> NSGEV> ysim <- simulate(ns0, nsim = 1, psi = psi)
#> NSGEV> df2 <- cbind(df, y = ysim[ , 1L])
#> NSGEV> ns1 <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ alpha + beta * t, "scale" = ~ delta, "shape" = ~ xi),
#> NSGEV+ data = df2, response = "y", psi = psi, est = "optim")
#> NSGEV> ## try an exponential link
#> NSGEV> ns2 <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ exp(alpha + beta * t), "scale" = ~ delta, "shape" = ~ xi),
#> NSGEV+ data = df2, response = "y", psi = psi, est = "optim")
#> NSGEV> ## compare the estimation with that of
#> NSGEV> require(ismev)
#> NSGEV> ns1.ismev <- = df2$y, ydat = as.matrix(df), mul = 1, show = FALSE)
#> NSGEV> rbind("NSGEV" = c(ns1$estimate, "negLogL" = ns1$negLogL),
#> NSGEV+ "ismev" = c(ns1.ismev$mle, "negLogL" = ns1.ismev$nllh))
#> alpha beta delta xi negLogL
#> NSGEV 1.143777 -0.002918431 0.6033124 -0.4359059 8.22994
#> ismev 1.143704 -0.002906355 0.6032869 -0.4358915 8.22994
#> NSGEV> ## Try an expoential link
#> NSGEV> ns2.ismev <- = df2$y, ydat = as.matrix(df), mul = 1, mulink = exp, show = FALSE)
#> NSGEV> rbind("NSGEV" = c(ns2$estimate, "negLogL" = ns2$negLogL),
#> NSGEV+ "ismev" = c(ns2.ismev$mle, "negLogL" = ns2.ismev$nllh))
#> alpha beta delta xi negLogL
#> NSGEV 0.3976449 -0.11871098 1.5582157 -1.0861830 8.106294
#> ismev 0.1284920 -0.00155176 0.6035595 -0.4351343 8.230150
plot(ns1, which = 1)
plot(ns1, which = 2)