Find the complete vector of NSGEV parameters from a partial vector and a Return Level.
rho2psi(rho, nm1, psi_m1, model, data = NULL, type = "expect")
A vector \(\boldsymbol{\psi}\) of NSGEV parameters.
In a Non-Sationary framework, a Return Level (RL) rho
relates to a given value of the covariates or to a distribution of
the covariates. This distribution is assumed here to be given by
the observations in data
, assuming that the corresponding
Return Period is equal to the number of observations understood as
a multiple of the block duration. When type = "expect"
RL is the value \(\rho\) for which the random number of
exceedances over \(\rho\) has unit expectation.
This function is a technical function to profile the likelihood. One of the NSGEV model parameter, say \(\psi_1\), is adjusted to reach the given value RL, the other elements of \(\psi\) being given and fixed. These later elements form a vector \(\boldsymbol{\psi}_{-1}\) with length \(p-1\), where \(p\) is the number of model parameters. Now for a given value of \(rho\), the value of the profile log-likelihood \(\ell(\rho)\) is obtained by maximising the log-likelihood w.r.t \(\boldsymbol{\psi}_{-1}\).
df <- data.frame(t = 1:10)
fit <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ alpha + beta * t, "scale" = ~ delta, "shape" = ~ xi),
data = df)
df.new <- data.frame(t = 11:20)
psi <- c("alpha" = 1, "beta" = 0.01, "delta" = 0.6, "xi" = 0.06)
rho2psi(rho = 30, nm1 = "alpha", psi_m1 = psi[-1], model = fit, data = df.new)
#> alpha beta delta xi
#> 28.39881 0.01000 0.60000 0.06000
rho2psi(rho = 40, nm1 = "alpha", psi_m1 = psi[-1], model = fit, data = df.new)
#> alpha beta delta xi
#> 38.39881 0.01000 0.60000 0.06000