Compute the quantiles for the random maximum on a given period or collection of blocks of interest.

# S3 method for TVGEV
  date = NULL,
  level = 0.95,
  psi = NULL,
  confintMethod = "delta",
  out = c("data.frame", "array"),
  trace = 1L,



A TVGEV model object.


A numeric vector giving the (non-exceedance) probabilities at which the quantiles will be computed.


A vector that can be coerced to the class "Date" giving the beginnings of the blocks for a period of interest.


The confidence level.


Optional vector of coefficients. Caution not tested yet.


Character indicating the method to be used for the confidence intervals on the quantiles.


Character indicating what type of object will be returned. When out is "data.frame" the output actually has the (S3) class "quantMax.TVGEV" inheriting from "data.frame". A few methods exist for this class.


Integer level of verbosity.


Not used.


An object with its class depending on the value of


  • out = "data.frame" An object inheriting from the "data.frame" class which can be used in methods such as autoplot.

  • out = "array" A 3-dimensional array with dimensions, probability, type of result (Quantile, Lower or Upper confidence limit) and confidence level.


Let \(M^\star := \max_{b} Y_b\) be the maximum over the blocks \(b\) of interest. Since the blocks are assumed to be independent the distribution function of \(M^\star\) is given by $$ F_{M^\star}(m^\star; \, \boldsymbol{\psi}) = \prod_{b} F_{\texttt{GEV}}(m^\star; \, \boldsymbol{\theta}_b) $$ and it depends on the vector \(\boldsymbol{\psi}\) of the model parameters through \(\boldsymbol{\theta}_b(\boldsymbol{\psi})\). For a given probability \(p\), the corresponding quantile \(q_{M^\star}(p;\,\boldsymbol{\psi})\) is the solution \(m^\star\) of \(F^\star(m^\star;\,\boldsymbol{\psi}) = p\). The derivative of the quantile w.r.t. \(\boldsymbol{\psi}\) can be obtained by the implicit function theorem and then be used for the inference e.g., using the "delta method".


df <- within(TXMax_Dijon, Date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
## fit a TVGEV model. Only the location parameter is TV.
tv <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
            design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
            loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970)
qM1 <- quantMax(tv, level = c(0.95, 0.70))
date2 <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", 2025:2054))
qM2 <- quantMax(tv, date = date2, level = c(0.95, 0.70))
#>      Prob ProbExc    Quant        L        U Level
#> 1  0.8000  0.2000 41.59590 40.39165 42.80014  0.70
#> 2  0.8100  0.1900 41.63825 40.42609 42.85041  0.70
#> 3  0.8200  0.1800 41.68217 40.46162 42.90272  0.70
#> 4  0.8300  0.1700 41.72783 40.49836 42.95730  0.70
#> 5  0.8400  0.1600 41.77542 40.53644 43.01440  0.70
#> 6  0.8500  0.1500 41.82519 40.57603 43.07435  0.70
#> 7  0.8600  0.1400 41.87743 40.61732 43.13754  0.70
#> 8  0.8700  0.1300 41.93247 40.66053 43.20442  0.70
#> 9  0.8800  0.1200 41.99075 40.70594 43.27556  0.70
#> 10 0.8900  0.1100 42.05279 40.75390 43.35168  0.70
#> 11 0.9000  0.1000 42.11926 40.80485 43.43367  0.70
#> 12 0.9100  0.0900 42.19102 40.85933 43.52272  0.70
#> 13 0.9200  0.0800 42.26924 40.91808 43.62041  0.70
#> 14 0.9300  0.0700 42.35551 40.98211 43.72891  0.70
#> 15 0.9400  0.0600 42.45210 41.05284 43.85136  0.70
#> 16 0.9500  0.0500 42.56248 41.13239 43.99257  0.70
#> 17 0.9600  0.0400 42.69228 41.22417 44.16039  0.70
#> 18 0.9700  0.0300 42.85171 41.33426 44.36916  0.70
#> 19 0.9800  0.0200 43.06269 41.47537 44.65001  0.70
#> 20 0.9900  0.0100 43.39066 41.68416 45.09716  0.70
#> 21 0.9950  0.0050 43.68291 41.85907 45.50675  0.70
#> 22 0.9980  0.0020 44.02264 42.04852 45.99676  0.70
#> 23 0.9990  0.0010 44.24913 42.16572 46.33255  0.70
#> 24 0.9999  0.0001 44.84933 42.43190 47.26675  0.70
#> 25 0.8000  0.2000 41.59590 39.31860 43.87320  0.95
#> 26 0.8100  0.1900 41.63825 39.34598 43.93053  0.95
#> 27 0.8200  0.1800 41.68217 39.37403 43.99032  0.95
#> 28 0.8300  0.1700 41.72783 39.40282 44.05283  0.95
#> 29 0.8400  0.1600 41.77542 39.43243 44.11841  0.95
#> 30 0.8500  0.1500 41.82519 39.46295 44.18744  0.95
#> 31 0.8600  0.1400 41.87743 39.49448 44.26038  0.95
#> 32 0.8700  0.1300 41.93247 39.52714 44.33781  0.95
#> 33 0.8800  0.1200 41.99075 39.56109 44.42041  0.95
#> 34 0.8900  0.1100 42.05279 39.59651 44.50907  0.95
#> 35 0.9000  0.1000 42.11926 39.63362 44.60490  0.95
#> 36 0.9100  0.0900 42.19102 39.67270 44.70935  0.95
#> 37 0.9200  0.0800 42.26924 39.71411 44.82438  0.95
#> 38 0.9300  0.0700 42.35551 39.75832 44.95269  0.95
#> 39 0.9400  0.0600 42.45210 39.80600 45.09820  0.95
#> 40 0.9500  0.0500 42.56248 39.85808 45.26688  0.95
#> 41 0.9600  0.0400 42.69228 39.91599 45.46857  0.95
#> 42 0.9700  0.0300 42.85171 39.98211 45.72131  0.95
#> 43 0.9800  0.0200 43.06269 40.06097 46.06442  0.95
#> 44 0.9900  0.0100 43.39066 40.16356 46.61777  0.95
#> 45 0.9950  0.0050 43.68291 40.23391 47.13191  0.95
#> 46 0.9980  0.0020 44.02264 40.28945 47.75583  0.95
#> 47 0.9990  0.0010 44.24913 40.30926 48.18901  0.95
#> 48 0.9999  0.0001 44.84933 40.27782 49.42084  0.95
gg <- autoplot(qM2, fillConf = TRUE)
gg <- gg + ggtitle("Quantile of the maximum over years 2025-2054")

## Use the 'autolayer' method for a quick comparison 
qM3 <-  quantMax(tv,
                 date = as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", 2025:2035)),
                 level = c(0.95, 0.70))

gg + autolayer(qM3, colour = "SpringGreen3", linetype = "dashed")

## Compare with a simulation. Note that 'sim' has class "bts"  and
## is essentially a numeric matrix. Increas 'nsim' to get a more
## precise estimate of the high quantiles
sim <- simulate(tv, newdate = date2, nsim = 10000)
M <- apply(sim, 2, max)
probs <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995, 0.998)
qSim <- quantile(M, prob = probs)
dfSim <- data.frame(Prob = probs, ProbExc = 1 - probs, Quant = qSim)
gg + geom_point(data = dfSim, mapping = aes(x = ProbExc, y = Quant))