Compute the matrix of GEV parameters from the vector of model parameters 'psi' and the Data.
# S3 method for class 'NSGEV'
psi2theta(model, psi, data = NULL, deriv = TRUE, checkNames = TRUE, ...)
The GEV model: an object with class "NSGEV"
The vector of model parameters.
The data frame of covariates. By default, the data frame attached to the model is used.
Logical. If true, the jacobian is computed and
returned as an attribute of the results. It is an array with
dimension c(n, p, 3L)
Logical. If TRUE
, the names of the vector
are checked against the parnames of the model.
Not used yet.
A vector of parameters for the NSGEV
df <- data.frame(t = 1:10)
fit <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ alpha + beta * t, "scale" = ~ delta, "shape" = ~ xi),
data = df)
df.new <- data.frame(t = 11:20)
psi <- c("alpha" = 1, "beta" = 0.01, "delta" = 0.6, "xi" = 0.06)
theta.new <- psi2theta(model = fit, psi = psi, data = df.new)
matplot(df.new$t, theta.new, type = "b")