Given an object with class "TVGEV" and a collection of time blocks (or period) defined by date, the distribution of the random maximum over the period \(M^\star := \max_b Y_b\) is known. The corresponding distribution function can be obtained.

# S3 method for class 'TVGEV'
cdfMaxFun(object, date = NULL, psi = NULL, theta = NULL, ...)



An object with class "TVGEV".


An object that can be coerced to the class "Date". If not provided this will be taken as the date attached to object.


An optional vector of coefficients for object. By default the ML estimate as returned by coef(object) is used.


An optional matrix with three columns containing GEV parameters. The columns are in the order location, scale and shape. When this argument is used neither date not psi can be used.


Not used.


A function (more precisely, a closure). This function has a single formal argument q representing a quantile, and it returns the corresponding probability \(\text{Pr}\{M^\star \leq q \}\).


When theta is given model is not used. The distribution function is simply that of the maximum of independent r.vs following GEV distributions with their parameters given by (the rows of) theta.

See also

quantMaxFun.TVGEV for the corresponding quantile function (or closure).


df <- within(TXMax_Dijon, Date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
## fit a TVGEV model. Only the location parameter is TV.
res1 <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
              design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
              loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970)
cdf <- cdfMaxFun(res1)
cdf(c(39.0, 41.0))
#> [1] 0.5190225 0.9766100

## a 'new period'
date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", 2025:2054))
cdfNew <- cdfMaxFun(res1, date = date)
cdfNew(c(39.0, 41.0))
#> [1] 0.03275412 0.62318687