Check the 'predictUncond' function.
newdateFrom = "2020-01-01",
nsim = 5000,
plot = TRUE,
trace = 0,
An object with class "TVGEV"
Argument passed to predictUncond
Number os simulations to use in in the check.
Logical. If TRUE
, some simulated paths will be
Integer level of verbosity.
Other arguments to be passed to predictUncond
A vector of average number of exceedances corresponding to each of the periods which have been predicted. The elemnts of this vector should be close to one, see Details.
The unconditional prediction is computed from the object given
using predictUncond
this leads to a table, say
. Then nsim
paths are simulated from the model;
The simulation is for the period of time begining at
and having the length suitable to cover all the
predicted periods found in pu
. For each row of the
prediction table pu
-by default, corresponding to a period 5, 10, 20,
...- we count the number of exceedances over the quantile given in
the 'Quant'
column, for each sample. By definition of the
Non-Stationary Return Level, the random number of exceedances has
an expectation of one. The function returns the average numbers of
exceedances over the nsim
paths which therefore should be
close to one at least if nsim
is large.
#> TVGEV> ## transform a numeric year into a date
#> TVGEV> df <- within(TXMax_Dijon, Date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
#> TVGEV> df0 <- subset(df, !
#> TVGEV> ## fit a TVGEV model. Only the location parameter is TV.
#> TVGEV> t1 <- system.time(
#> TVGEV+ res1 <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV+ design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
#> TVGEV+ loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970))
#> TVGEV> ## The same using "nloptr" optimisation.
#> TVGEV> t2 <- system.time(
#> TVGEV+ res2 <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV+ design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
#> TVGEV+ loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970,
#> TVGEV+ estim = "nloptr",
#> TVGEV+ parTrack = TRUE))
#> TVGEV> ## use extRemes::fevd the required variables need to be added to the data frame
#> TVGEV> ## passed as 'data' argument
#> TVGEV> t0 <- system.time({
#> TVGEV+ df0.evd <- cbind(df0, breaksX(date = df0$Date, breaks = "1970-01-01",
#> TVGEV+ degree = 1));
#> TVGEV+ res0 <- fevd(x = df0.evd$TXMax, data = df0.evd, loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970)
#> TVGEV+ })
#> TVGEV> ## compare estimate and negative log-liks
#> TVGEV> cbind("fevd" = res0$results$par,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_optim" = res1$estimate,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_nloptr" = res2$estimate)
#> fevd TVGEV_optim TVGEV_nloptr
#> mu0 32.06678895 32.06638460 32.06679282
#> mu1 -0.02391857 -0.02392656 -0.02391856
#> mu2 0.07727041 0.07728411 0.07727061
#> scale 1.75585289 1.75541862 1.75585353
#> shape -0.18130928 -0.18112018 -0.18131041
#> TVGEV> cbind("fevd" = res0$results$value,
#> TVGEV+ "VGEV_optim" = res1$negLogLik,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_nloptr" = res2$negLogLik)
#> fevd VGEV_optim TVGEV_nloptr
#> [1,] 177.2014 177.2014 177.2014
#> TVGEV> ## ====================================================================
#> TVGEV> ## use a loop on plausible break years. The fitted models
#> TVGEV> ## are stored within a list
#> TVGEV> ## ====================================================================
#> TVGEV> ## Not run:
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D yearBreaks <- c(1940, 1950, 1955, 1960:2000, 2005, 2010)
#> TVGEV> ##D res <- list()
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D for (ib in seq_along(yearBreaks)) {
#> TVGEV> ##D d <- sprintf("%4d-01-01", yearBreaks[[ib]])
#> TVGEV> ##D floc <- as.formula(sprintf("~ t1 + t1_%4d", yearBreaks[[ib]]))
#> TVGEV> ##D res[[d]] <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV> ##D design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = d, degree = 1),
#> TVGEV> ##D loc = floc)
#> TVGEV> ##D }
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D ## [continuing...] ]find the model with maximum likelihood, and plot
#> TVGEV> ##D ## something like a profile likelihood for the break date considered
#> TVGEV> ##D ## as a new parameter. However, the model is not differentiable w.r.t.
#> TVGEV> ##D ## the break!
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D ll <- sapply(res, logLik)
#> TVGEV> ##D plot(yearBreaks, ll, type = "o", pch = 21, col = "orangered",
#> TVGEV> ##D lwd = 2, bg = "gold", xlab = "break", ylab = "log-lik")
#> TVGEV> ##D grid()
#> TVGEV> ##D iMax <- which.max(ll)
#> TVGEV> ##D abline(v = yearBreaks[iMax])
#> TVGEV> ##D abline(h = ll[iMax] - c(0, qchisq(0.95, df = 1) /2),
#> TVGEV> ##D col = "SpringGreen3", lwd = 2)
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ## End(Not run)
#> 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 100
#> 0.9776667 0.9741667 1.0125000 0.9970000 0.9888333 1.0090000 1.0098333 0.9911667
check_predictUncond(res2, newdateFrom = "1900-01-01", period = 200)
#> 200
#> 1.0135