Compute NSGEV densities.
# S3 method for class 'NSGEV'
density(x, xValue = NULL, data = NULL, psi = NULL, log = FALSE, ...)
object. Note that the name of this formal
is imposed by the S3 generic, it would otherwise probably have
been chosen as 'model'.
Vector of quantiles at which the GEV densities will be
evaluated. By default, a grid of value is found with coverage
probability > 0.001
for each observation.
A data frame with the covariates. If NULL
, the
data frama affached to the model given in x
is used.
Vector of model coefficients.
Logical. If TRUE
the log-density is returned.
Not used yet.
A matrix of density values, with one row for each observation
of data
and one column by quantile.