Draw a Particular Layer on a ggplot devoted to a quantMax.TVGEV object. This method may be used to compare different fitted object or different periods of time.

# S3 method for class 'quantMax.TVGEV'
autolayer(object, which = c("quantile", "confBand"), ...)



A quantMax.TVGEV object.


Character vector describing the


Further arguments for the involved geometry.


A layer to be added to a ggplot object.


When which = "quantile" is used the quantile line is added via a geom_line layer. The arguments passed via the dots can be colour, linetype, alpha, ... When which = "confband" the confidence band (or area) is added via a geom_ribbon layer. The arguments passed via the dots can be fill, alpha, ...

See also

The autoplot.quantMax.TVGEV method. The geom_line, geom_ribbon geometries.