Simulate paths from a NSGEV model conditional on the covariates.
# S3 method for NSGEV
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, data = NULL, psi = NULL, ...)
A NSGEV model.
Number of simulations (paths).
Not used yet.
The data frame of covariates. By default, the model data frame is used.
Vector of model parameters. By default, the model parameters are used.
Not used yet.
A matrix with nrow(data)
rows and nsim
columns, each column representing a time.
to simulate from varying GEV
df <- data.frame(t = 1:10)
## model structure
ns <- NSGEV(formulas = list("loc" = ~ alpha + beta * t,
"scale" = ~ delta,
"shape" = ~ xi),
data = df) <- data.frame(t = 11:20)
psi <- c("alpha" = 1, "beta" = 0.1, "delta" = 0.6, "xi" = 0.06)
ysim <- simulate(ns, nsim = 20, psi = psi) <- simulate(ns, nsim = 20, data =, psi = psi)
matplot(df$t, ysim, type = "l", xlab = "t",
col = "orange", xlim = c(1, 20))
matlines($t,, type = "l", col = "firebrick")