Produce a ggplot2 plot of the results of predict
for a TVGEV
# S3 method for class 'predict.TVGEV'
autoplot(object, bw = TRUE, ...)
An object with class "gg"
. Can be used with the method
, or equivalently with print
This function is intended to work with predictions computed
for a possibly large number of periods (to get smooth curves) but
with only a small number of dates, each appearing in a facet. So
the number of dates is limited to 6
. Similarily, the number
of confidence levels can not be > 3
#> TVGEV> ## transform a numeric year into a date
#> TVGEV> df <- within(TXMax_Dijon, Date <- as.Date(sprintf("%4d-01-01", Year)))
#> TVGEV> df0 <- subset(df, !
#> TVGEV> ## fit a TVGEV model. Only the location parameter is TV.
#> TVGEV> t1 <- system.time(
#> TVGEV+ res1 <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV+ design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
#> TVGEV+ loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970))
#> TVGEV> ## The same using "nloptr" optimisation.
#> TVGEV> t2 <- system.time(
#> TVGEV+ res2 <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV+ design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = "1970-01-01", degree = 1),
#> TVGEV+ loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970,
#> TVGEV+ estim = "nloptr",
#> TVGEV+ parTrack = TRUE))
#> TVGEV> ## use extRemes::fevd the required variables need to be added to the data frame
#> TVGEV> ## passed as 'data' argument
#> TVGEV> t0 <- system.time({
#> TVGEV+ df0.evd <- cbind(df0, breaksX(date = df0$Date, breaks = "1970-01-01",
#> TVGEV+ degree = 1));
#> TVGEV+ res0 <- fevd(x = df0.evd$TXMax, data = df0.evd, loc = ~ t1 + t1_1970)
#> TVGEV+ })
#> TVGEV> ## compare estimate and negative log-liks
#> TVGEV> cbind("fevd" = res0$results$par,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_optim" = res1$estimate,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_nloptr" = res2$estimate)
#> fevd TVGEV_optim TVGEV_nloptr
#> mu0 32.06678895 32.06638460 32.06679282
#> mu1 -0.02391857 -0.02392656 -0.02391856
#> mu2 0.07727041 0.07728411 0.07727061
#> scale 1.75585289 1.75541862 1.75585353
#> shape -0.18130928 -0.18112018 -0.18131041
#> TVGEV> cbind("fevd" = res0$results$value,
#> TVGEV+ "VGEV_optim" = res1$negLogLik,
#> TVGEV+ "TVGEV_nloptr" = res2$negLogLik)
#> fevd VGEV_optim TVGEV_nloptr
#> [1,] 177.2014 177.2014 177.2014
#> TVGEV> ## ====================================================================
#> TVGEV> ## use a loop on plausible break years. The fitted models
#> TVGEV> ## are stored within a list
#> TVGEV> ## ====================================================================
#> TVGEV> ## Not run:
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D yearBreaks <- c(1940, 1950, 1955, 1960:2000, 2005, 2010)
#> TVGEV> ##D res <- list()
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D for (ib in seq_along(yearBreaks)) {
#> TVGEV> ##D d <- sprintf("%4d-01-01", yearBreaks[[ib]])
#> TVGEV> ##D floc <- as.formula(sprintf("~ t1 + t1_%4d", yearBreaks[[ib]]))
#> TVGEV> ##D res[[d]] <- TVGEV(data = df, response = "TXMax", date = "Date",
#> TVGEV> ##D design = breaksX(date = Date, breaks = d, degree = 1),
#> TVGEV> ##D loc = floc)
#> TVGEV> ##D }
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D ## [continuing...] ]find the model with maximum likelihood, and plot
#> TVGEV> ##D ## something like a profile likelihood for the break date considered
#> TVGEV> ##D ## as a new parameter. However, the model is not differentiable w.r.t.
#> TVGEV> ##D ## the break!
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ##D ll <- sapply(res, logLik)
#> TVGEV> ##D plot(yearBreaks, ll, type = "o", pch = 21, col = "orangered",
#> TVGEV> ##D lwd = 2, bg = "gold", xlab = "break", ylab = "log-lik")
#> TVGEV> ##D grid()
#> TVGEV> ##D iMax <- which.max(ll)
#> TVGEV> ##D abline(v = yearBreaks[iMax])
#> TVGEV> ##D abline(h = ll[iMax] - c(0, qchisq(0.95, df = 1) /2),
#> TVGEV> ##D col = "SpringGreen3", lwd = 2)
#> TVGEV> ##D
#> TVGEV> ## End(Not run)
pred <- predict(res2, newdate = c("1960-01-01", "2000-01-01", "2020-01-01"),
level = c(0.70, 0.95), confintMethod = "delta")
g <- autoplot(pred)