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Autoplot method for objects devoted to the check of the profile-likelihood confidence intervals on the return levels for Poisson-GP models.


# S3 method for RLCheck.poisGP
autoplot(object, ...)



An object with class "RLCheck.poisGP" generated by the confint method see RL.poisGP.


Not used yet.


A ggplot graphics object.


The object is a list containing two data frames named RL and negLogLikC. The RL data frame contains the confidence intervals in a long format suitable for plotting; it will be used to draw horizontal and vertical lines showing the confidence limits. The negLogLikC data frame contains evaluations of the profile log-likelihood for a grid of value of each return period; it will be used to display a curve for each parameter.

The check is similar to that used for the confidence intervals as implemented in autoplot.confintCheck.poisGP. Each return level is here used as a parameter.

See also

RL.poisGP and the example with check = TRUE in the Examples section therein. autoplot.confintCheck.poisGP is a similar method to check the confidence intervals.