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This vignette has been compiled with R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31) using potomax 0.2.4.

The potomax package


The potomax package has been financed by IRSN/Behrig and designed in response to some of Behrig’s practical needs for Extreme-Value modelling.

The potomax package is devoted to the estimation and inference of the Poisson-GP model in Extreme-Value Analysis. The model is a marked Poisson process indexed by time with the marks distributed according to the Generalised Pareto (GP) distribution. This is a classical framework for Peaks Over Threshold (POT) modelling (Davison and Smith 1990), although the Binomial-GP can also be used.

By aggregating the marks in time and retaining the maxima or the largest observations over given time intervals or time blocks, we get the classical block maxima and \(r\)-largest observations. As one of the original features of the package, one can censor block maxima or \(r\)-largest observations to discard non-extreme block maxima.

Similarities and differences with Renext

As is the case with the formerly released package Renext (Deville and IRSN 2022), the package potomax allows the use of observations that are aggregated in time. These involve standard block maxima, but also historical information.

potomax has several major differences with Renext, which motivated the creation of a new package

  • Profile likelihood inference (Davison 2003) can be used for the parameters and for the return levels.

  • Only the GP distribution can be used for the marks or excesses. Since the GP distribution is the only distribution which can be called POT-stable, the limitation to the GP is harmless as far as the interest is on Extreme-Value analysis.

  • Most graphics are based on the ggplot2 package (Wickham 2016), and the autoplot method will be used instead of the plot method.

There are also differences plotting positions which will be briefly discussed below.

Model and parameters

The Poisson-GP model describes observations of random marks \(Y_i\) at random times \(T_i\) with the following assumptions.

  • The events \(T_i\) form a Poisson Process with rate \(\lambda >0\).

  • The marks \(Y_i\) are i.i.d. with \(Y_i \sim \text{GPD}(u,\, \sigma, \, \xi)\).

  • The marks \(Y_i\) are independent of the Poisson process of events.

The number \(u\) is regarded as given and corresponds to the POT threshold. This model can be said to be POT-stable, because if we select the exceedances \(Y_i> u'\) over a higher threshold \(u' > u\), the three assumptions still hold for a different rate \(\lambda_{u'}\) and a different GP scale \(\sigma_{u'}\).

These assumptions allow the derivation of the marginal distribution of so-called block maxima. Consider a time interval with duration \(w\) and the maximum \(M := \max\{Y_i\}\) of the marks \(Y_i\) corresponding to the times \(T_i\) in the interval. Then, up to an atom corresponding to the case where no event occur in the interval, the random variable \(M\) follows a Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. Moreover if we consider a partition of the time axis into time intervals or time blocks \(b =1\), \(2\), \(\dots\) with the same duration \(w\), we get i.i.d. GEV random variables \(M_b\).

The model involves a vector \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) of three parameters.

  • The Poisson-GP parameterisation uses: the rate \(\lambda\) for the time-indexed Poisson process of events and the two parameters scale \(\sigma\) and shape \(\xi\) of the GP distribution of the excesses \(Y_i -u\) over the threshold \(u\). Note that both \(\lambda\) and \(\sigma\) depends on the threshold \(u\) and consequently could be denoted by \(\lambda_u\) and \(\sigma_u\).

  • The Point Process or Non-Homogeneous Point Process (NHPP) parameterisation refers to a reference block duration \(w\) and the uses the three parameters of the marginal GEV distribution for the maximum \(M\) of the marks \(Y_i\) on an interval with duration \(w\). These parameters are the location \(\mu^\star\), the scale \(\sigma^\star\) and the shape \(\xi^\star\). Since the location and the scale depend on the reference duration \(w\), they could be denoted by \(\mu^\star_{w}\) and \(\sigma^\star_{w}\).

The shape parameter \(\xi\) or \(\xi^\star\) is the same in the two parameterisations, and relates to the common tail-index of the two distributions GP and GEV. This parameter characterises the common domain of attraction of the distributions of the excesses and of the block maxima.

The two POT parameterisations are used in several CRAN packages, including: evd (Stephenson 2002), ismev (Heffernan and Stephenson 2012), extRemes (Gilleland and Katz 2016), POT (Ribatet and Dutang 2022). See also Northrop et al. (Northrop, Jonathan, and Randell 2016) for a presentation of the two frameworks and their differences in the non-stationary extension using covariates.

The Poisson-GP parameterisation will often be preferred because it can allow to concentrate the rate parameter out of the log-likelihood, leading to a two-parameter optimisation instead of a three-parameter one. This holds for the specific kinds of censoring allowed in the package.

Note that in the Poisson-GP formulation we can use observations that are exceedances over a threshold \(u'\) and parameters related to another “reference” threshold \(u\). This is similar to the NHPP parameterisation where the classical one-year reference block duration could be used with observations for two-year blocks. So, the specific parameterisation does not impose the specific censoring needed to elicit the observations that are extreme enough. Many series of annual maxima embed observations that would not be judged as extreme enough in the POT approach. Rather than aggregating then the annual maxima into bi-annual maxima, we can simply use censoring, see the Venice example below.

Creating and using poisGP objects

The main class in the package is "PoisGP". The eponymous creator uses a data formal argument which can be given a simple numeric vector containing the marks \(Y_i\), or more complex data structures such as "Rendata" from Renext or "potData" from potomax, see below. We begin by using the Garonne object from Renext. This object contains observations for the discharge rate of the river Garonne (France) in cumecs. It embeds both “systematic” observations and “historical” observations.

## o Dataset La Garonne river flow
##    data 'Garonne', variable 'Flow' (m3/s) 
## o OT data (main sample) from  1913-01-01  to  1978-01-01  (eff. dur.  65.00 years)
##        n     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
##  151.000 2530.000 2900.000 3200.000 3591.675 3995.000 7500.000 
## o no missing OT periods 
## o 'MAX' historical info: 1 blocks, 12 obs., total duration = 143.09 years 
## o no 'OTS' historical data
fitGaronne <- poisGP(data = Garonne, threshold = 2900)
## [1] "poisGP"
methods(class = "poisGP")
##  [1] AIC      autoplot BIC      coef     confint  logLik   MLE      print   
##  [9] RL       summary  vcov    
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

The methods implemented are classical and can be used as in many other packages. Note that the plot method does not exist, and that autoplot should instead be used.


Note that the 12 “historical” observations are plotted using a different colour.

The classical coef method can be used to extract the (estimated) parameters. It has an argument type allowing to choose the parameterisation. The parameters are estimated in the Poisson-GP parameterisation, and then translated into the NHPP parameterisation.

##       lambda        scale        shape 
##    1.7259695 1287.2134428   -0.1650405
coef(fitGaronne, type = "PP")
##          loc        scale        shape 
## 3571.8341138 1176.3335728   -0.1650405

The shape parameter is the same in both parameterisations. However the scale parameters differ.

Profile likelihood

Using constrained optimisations

Profile likelihood can be used to infer on the parameters, be they in the Poisson-GP or in the NHPP parameterisation. As for the coef method, the confint method has a type argument allowing to switch from the default parameterisation to the "NHPP" one. The cheap delta method can also be used in place of profile likelihood if needed.

## , , 95%
##              L        U
## lambda   1.432    2.057
## scale  991.960 1620.818
## shape   -0.300    0.005
confint(fitGaronne, method = "delta")
## , , 95%
##              L        U
## lambda   1.413    2.039
## scale  971.417 1603.010
## shape   -0.316   -0.014
confint(fitGaronne, type = "PP")
## , , 95%
##              L        U
## loc   3333.326 3824.637
## scale  977.466 1405.775
## shape   -0.300    0.005

Profile likelihood can also be used to infer on the return levels as returned by the RL method.

As in the NSGEV package, the profile likelihood confidence intervals for the parameters are in potomax computed by using constrained optimisations. Roughly speaking, we maximise and minimise the parameter under the constraint that the log-likelihood is high enough. More precisely, if \(\eta = \eta(\boldsymbol{\theta})\) is a scalar parameter of interest, we can find the upper bound \(\eta_{\text{U}}\) of a confidence interval on it by maximising the parameter \(\eta\) under the constraint \(\ell(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \geqslant \ell_{\text{max}} - \delta\), where \(\ell(\boldsymbol{\theta})\) is the log-likelihood function and \(\ell_{\text{max}}\) is its maximal value. The (positive) quantity \(\delta\) relates to the chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom according to \(\delta = q_{\chi^2(1)}(1 - \alpha) / 2\), where \(1 - \alpha\) is the chosen confidence level. Similarly, the lower bound of the interval by minimising \(\eta\) under the same constraint.

Remind that the classical method used for profile likelihood consists in computing the profile log-likelihood function \(\ell_{\text{prof}}(\eta)\) and in solving numerically the equation \(\ell_{\text{prof}}(\eta) = \ell_{\text{max}} - \delta\). Provided that the log-likelihood function is well-shaped, two solutions exist: one on each side of the ML estimate \(\widehat{\eta}\). These are the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval \((\eta_{\text{L}}, \, \eta_{\text{U}})\). Each evaluation of the profile log-likelihood requires an optimisation on \(2\) parameters, and moreover we have to solve the two equations by using either a zero-finding method or a search on a grid of candidate values for \(\eta\).

Checking the results

The constrained optimisation method is appealing for its generality. However, the optimisation can fail and misleadingly indicate a convergence, which can be quite difficult to diagnose. The classical approach solving equations for the profile log-likelihood may also fail, yet the results can be checked by plotting the the negative profile likelihood \(-\ell_{\text{prof}}(\eta)\) against the parameter \(\eta\), which should lead to a smooth curve with a minimum at the ML estimate \(\widehat{\eta}\). By adding the horizontal line corresponding to the negative log-likelihood ordinate \(-(\ell_{\max} - \delta)\), the confidence bounds \(\eta_{\text{L}}\) and \(\eta_{\text{U}}\) should be the abscissas of the two intersection points between the curve and the horizontal line. This approach is used by several R packages including ismev, evd, extRemes and POT. This check has been implemented in potomax as well.

Both the RL and the confint methods have an argument check taking a logical value. Using check = TRUE will produce a plot visual check as shown below. On the curves in black, each bullet required an evaluation of the profile log-likelihood, hence a two-parameter optimisation. It may happen that the optimisation fails, leading to a NA. This happens quite often for the small (negative) values of the shape parameter \(\xi\) or for the small values of the return levels corresponding to a small return period, say \(T < 10\) years.

If the results are good, then we can re-run with the (default) check = FALSE to get the results involving confidence intervals.

autoplot(confint(fitGaronne, check = TRUE))
Checking the results of `confint`. The red vertical lines show the bounds. The negative log-likelihood curve and the horizontal red line should intersect at the bounds.

Checking the results of confint. The red vertical lines show the bounds. The negative log-likelihood curve and the horizontal red line should intersect at the bounds.

autoplot(RL(fitGaronne, check = TRUE))
Checking the confidence intervals of `RL`. The red vertical lines show the bounds.

Checking the confidence intervals of RL. The red vertical lines show the bounds.

Heterogeneous data

Different kinds of observations

In the simplest use, the formal argument data is a numeric vector giving the marks \(Y_i\). Then one must also use the formal argument effDuration to give the so-called effective duration which can take into account possible gaps in the data. In this case the estimate of the rate \(\lambda_u\) for a given threshold \(u\) is simply number of \(Y_i\) with \(Y_i > u\), divided by the effective duration.

The two optional arguments and can be used to describe observations that have been censored: by value (Type I) or by number (Type II). In both cases, the observations are given as a list which must be completed by a numeric vector of durations, MAX.effDuration or OTS.effDuration. Each element of the “data” list corresponds to an interval of time and contains a vector with either the largest observations (for or all the observations that exceeded a specific threshold (for The list must have the same length as the numeric vector of durations, each element relating to a period of time. In the “OTS” case, one must also give a numeric vector of thresholds OTS.threshold.

Note that can be used for the classical block maxima and the \(r\)-largest observations.

Both for MAX and OTS data it is a good practice to use named lists, in order to keep a trace of the period. For instance the names can be the years for block maxima or for \(r\)-largest observations. The same vector of element names should then be used for the data lists, the vector of durations and the vector thresholds in the “OTS” case.

Finally, rather than using several arguments we can use a single structure describing the heterogeneous data. For this aim the function potData can be used to create an object of class "potData". Such an object can be passed to the data argument of poisGP an be re-used if different fits are a.g., with different thresholds.

G <- potData(data = Garonne$OTdata$Flow,
             effDuration = 65,
    = Garonne$MAXdata$Flow,
             MAX.effDuration = 143)
## List of 3
##  $ OT :List of 4
##   ..$ flag       : logi TRUE
##   ..$ effDuration: num 65
##   ..$ n          : int 151
##   ..$ data       : num [1:151] 2600 2800 2700 4579 3400 ...
##  $ MAX:List of 4
##   ..$ flag       : logi TRUE
##   ..$ effDuration: num 143
##   ..$ r          : int 12
##   ..$ data       :List of 1
##   .. ..$ MAX block#1: num [1:12] 7500 7400 7000 7000 7000 6600 6500 6500 6400 6300 ...
##  $ OTS:List of 5
##   ..$ flag       : logi FALSE
##   ..$ effDuration: logi NA
##   ..$ r          : logi NA
##   ..$ threshold  : NULL
##   ..$ data       : NULL
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "potData"
autoplot(G) + ggtitle("Garonne: raw observations")

The potData structure encapsulates several possible arguments of PoisGP in a single object. This is similar to what is done for the classical plot method: its argument x can be either a vector or a list with elements x and y.

autoplot(poisGP(data = G)) + ggtitle("Garonne: fit with default threshold")
## Warning in poisGP(data = G): 'threshold' is missing and set just below the
## smallest obsevation
## Warning in threshData(threshold = threshold, data, exceed = TRUE, scale =
## scale, : 'threshold' is smaller than the smallest observation
## Warning in threshData(data, threshold = threshold, exceed = FALSE, scale =
## FALSE): 'threshold' is smaller than the smallest observation

Note that when a potData object is used as the data argument with no threshold, a default threshold is used. It is chosen just below the smallest observation in the data, including those in data, and, if any. When this rule is applied with only and when all the elements in MAX.effDuration are identical, the fitted object is compliant with the usual block maxima estimation: the estimated parameters in the PP parameterisation are those returned by classical functions for the estimation of GEV parameters such as or evd:fgev. Remind however that must be a list, not an atomic vector, and that the durations must be given.

\(r\)-largest example: Venice data

We now use the Venice data from the ismev package, see section 3.5 in Coles’ book (Coles 2001). The data contain the \(r\)-largest annual observations of the sea level in Venice. The data come as a matrix with one row by year containing the \(10\) largest water levels (in cm), possibly NA. Some transformations are needed to use the poisGP function. Note that the first column of venice must be removed from the data since its contains the year.

data(venice, package = "ismev")
yNms <- as.character(venice[ , 1]) <- as.list([ , -1]))) <- lapply(, function(x) x[!])
MAX.effDuration <- rep(1, length(
names( <- names(MAX.effDuration) <- yNms
## fir r-largest models
fit2i <-[ , -1], show = FALSE)
fit2R <- Renext::fGEV.MAX( =, MAX.effDuration = MAX.effDuration)
fit2p <- poisGP( =, MAX.effDuration = MAX.effDuration)
## Warning in threshData(threshold = threshold, data, exceed = TRUE, scale =
## scale, : 'threshold' is smaller than the smallest observation
## Warning in threshData(data, threshold = threshold, exceed = FALSE, scale =
## FALSE): 'threshold' is smaller than the smallest observation

Both Renext and potomax throw warnings because they have to set the missing threshold just below the smallest observations in order to stick to the Poisson-GP parameterisation. In a classical POT, it is unnatural that all observations are exceedances.

In order to compare the coefficients across packages, we must use the "PP" coefficients of the poisGP object rather than the standard "poisGP" coefficients.

cbind("ismev" = fit2i$mle,
      "Renext" = fit2R$estimate,
      "potomax" = coef(fit2p, type = "PP"))
##             ismev      Renext     potomax
## loc   120.5479027 120.5452617 120.5459990
## scale  12.7840265  12.7831983  12.7838900
## shape  -0.1129418  -0.1129793  -0.1129545

Caution When comparing log-likelihoods across packages, some difference may be due to the use of different constants, see ?logLik.poisGP. We choose here the "PP" type log-likelihood which usually makes the results comparable to those based on block maxima or on \(r\)-largest.

cbind("ismev" = -fit2i$nllh,
      "Renext" = fit2R$loglik,
      "potomax" = logLik(fit2p, type = "PP"))
##         ismev   Renext  potomax
## [1,] -1139.09 -1139.09 -1139.09

Now profile likelihood confidence intervals on parameters

## , , 95%
##             L      U
## lambda 24.749 31.087
## scale  16.838 20.439
## shape  -0.133 -0.067
autoplot(fit2p) + ggtitle("Venice r-largest, no threshold")

As written by Coles, “the plots again indicate a fundamental lack of fit for the model”. Note that the smallest observations indicate a neat concave curvature, while the largest ones seem to better conform to an exponential tail. We can further investigate this by censoring the the MAX data, on the basis of the Poisson-GP model. We here choose a threshold of \(110\) cm corresponding to ”very intense” aqua alta.

fit3p <- poisGP( =, MAX.effDuration = MAX.effDuration, threshold = 110)
##       lambda        scale        shape 
##  1.730358874 12.916670381 -0.004969052
autoplot(fit3p) + ggtitle("Venice r-largest with threshold 110 cm")

The fit is now quite good. We have years with no observations and years with \(5\) observations or more, which is a departure from the Poisson hypothesis often met in POT.

When using a threshold with, it may happen that for a given block (here one year) some observations are under the threshold, hence have to be discarded. In this case, the block is considered as This works even when the block no longer contains any observation and is the correct way to encode the information in the censoring. This quite subtle point explains why a different colour and shape (green diamond) is now used for the corresponding blocks: “MAX” blocks were turned into “OTS” blocks. Note that provided that a MAX block has at least an observation, its log-likelihood is the same as that of an OTS block with its threshold set to the smallest observations in the block.

Plotting positions

potomax favours the log-scale axis for the durations in RL plots, as opposed to the Gumbel scale. This allows to straightforwardly show the marks \(Y_i\). But block maxima can be shown on the same plot by using suitable plotting positions (Deville 2016). These positions are designed to get points around a common straight line in the exponential-Gumbel case \(\xi = 0\), both for the marks and the maxima.

The plotting positions are derived from Nelson’s plotting positions, taking into account censoring when needed, then using the method of Hirsh and Stedinger. For the marks, the resulting positions are very close to those computed with the ppoints function with its default arguments, as used in most R packages. They differ from the so-called Weibull positions used in Renext. As a consequence, the largest observations seem to be related to larger return periods when compared to Renext. Mind however that attaching a return period to the largest observations is prone to misinterpretation. See the help of the RP method and references/links therein for details on the plotting positions.

Special GP distribution for the excesses

Exponential-Gumbel case

From version 0.2.0, it is possible to use the exponential distribution as the distribution of the excesses \(Y_i -u\), implying Gumbel maxima \(M\) over time intervals. This is simply achieved by using the formal argument distName with the value "exp1", the default GPD corresponding to "GPD2". In this case the vector of parameters is \([\lambda, \, \sigma]\) (rate and scale) for the Poisson-GP parameterisation, and \([\mu^\star,\, \sigma^\star]\) (loc and scale) for the NHPP parameterisation. The inference on the parameters is similar to that of the standard case of GPD exceedances.

fitGaronneExp <- poisGP(data = Garonne, threshold = 3200, distName = "exp1")
autoplot(fitGaronneExp) + ggtitle("Garonne with exponential excesses")

autoplot(confint(fitGaronneExp, check = TRUE))

Constraints on parameters

The poisGP creator function has two arguments coefLower and coefUpper that can be used to set bounds on the parameters. These are used only when estim is set to "nloptr". The bounds can be infinite Inf or -Inf. Moreover if the lower and the upper bounds for one parameter are identical, then the parameter will be fixed. As a rule, the inference will be misleading when inequality bounds are given. For instance, setting the bound \(\xi \geqslant 0\) corresponds to using the Lomax distribution for the excesses but with a possible ML estimate \(\widehat{\xi} = 0\) on the boundary. The confidence intervals will generally be misleading when constraints are used.

Notes and issues

Return levels

The return level for a period \(T\) can equivalently be considered as a function \(\rho(T;\,\boldsymbol{\theta})\) of the Poisson parameter \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) or as a function \(\rho^\star(T;\, \boldsymbol{\theta}^\star)\) of the PP parameter \(\boldsymbol{\theta}^\star\). The two functions take the same value when \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\theta}^\star\) describe the same model. For \(\xi \neq 0\) these are \[ \underset{\rho(T;\,\boldsymbol{\theta})}{\underbrace{% u + \sigma_u \, \frac{[\lambda_u T]^\xi - 1}{\xi}}} = \underset{\rho^\star(T;\,\boldsymbol{\theta}^\star)}{\underbrace{% \mu^\star_w + \sigma^\star_w \frac{[T /w]^{\xi^\star} - 1}{\xi^\star}}}, \]

and for \(\xi = 0\) we can use the log limit of the Box-Cox transformation. Note that \(\rho^\star(T)\) given above is the continuous duration return level, which for \(T\) small differs from the block duration return level} that is associated to the number \(T/w\) of blocks with duration \(w\). To get the classical return level for block maxima, replace \(q := w /T\) by \(1 - \log(1 - q)\), nearly the same thing for small \(q\), say \(q < 1/50\).

Log-likelihood, AIC and BIC

The log-likelihood is defined up to an additive constant. Most R packages use two different constants: one for block maxima, one for POT without caring about consistency. For example using evd::fpot with the same data and the two choices model = "pp" and model = "gpd" we get two estimates which are consistent up to the re-parameterisation, but yet have different log-likelihoods. So it may be difficult to compare the log-likelihoods across packages or even within a package.

In the general framework considered in potomax, the concept of number of observations is unclear, hence so are AIC and BIC. The concept of number of observations makes sense when the observations have the same marginal distribution and are independent and identically distributed, or correspond to a form of stationarity. But in the framework of potomax, one observation for a widespread time interval may be more informative than several observations corresponding to events or smaller time intervals.


Coles, Suart. 2001. An Introduction to Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values. Springer.
Davison, Anthony C. 2003. Statistical Models. Cambridge Series on Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics. Cambridge University Press.
Davison, Anthony C., and Richard L. Smith. 1990. Models for Exceedances over High Thresholds.” J.R. Statist. Soc. B 52 (3): 393–442.
Deville, Yves. 2016. Renext Computing Details.” Technical Report.
Deville, Yves, and IRSN. 2022. Renext: Renewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation.
Gilleland, Eric, and Richard W. Katz. 2016. extRemes 2.0: An Extreme Value Analysis Package in R.” Journal of Statistical Software 72 (8): 1–39.
Heffernan, Janet E., and Alec G. Stephenson. 2012. ismev: An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values.
Northrop, Paul J., Phillip Jonathan, and David Randell. 2016. Threshold Modelling of Non-Stationary Extremes.” In Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis, edited by Dey, Dipak K. and Yan, Jun. Chapman & Hall.
Ribatet, Mathieu, and Christophe Dutang. 2022. POT: Generalized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over Threshold.
Stephenson, Alec G. 2002. evd: Extreme Value Distributions.” R News 2 (2): 0.
Wickham, Hadley. 2016. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.