potomax is a R package funded by IRSN Behrig.
It is devoted to Extreme Value analysis and merges the two classical approaches POT (Peaks Over Threshold) and block MAXima. In both cases we may consider that the observations are related in some way to a Poisson-GP marked process i.e., a marked Poisson process with the marks following the Generalised Pareto (GP) distribution. While this framework is classical for POT, it is also convenient for block maxima with arbitrary block durations. This approach allows to censor the block maxima that are too small to be considered as extreme, as is often needed for one-year blocks. It also allows to cope with heterogeneous data as met when using historical information.
For the standard case where the excesses follow the two-parameter GP distribution, the model include the three parameters λ (rate of the Poisson process for the exceedances over the threshold u), and the two GP parameters σ (scale) and ξ (shape). The vector of parameters θ = [λ, σ, ξ]⊤ can be transformed into the vector θ⋆ = [μ⋆, σ⋆, ξ⋆]⊤ of so-called “Poisson-Process” (PP) parameters that describe the GEV distribution of the maximum on a block with a fixed reference duration w⋆, usually taken as one year. The PP parameters do not depend on the threshold u but they depend on w⋆. The Poisson-GP parameters do not depend on w⋆ but depend on the threshold u. The shape parameters ξ and ξ⋆ are identical in the two parameterisations. It is often simpler to use the Poisson-GP parameterisation because the rate λ can be concentrated out of the likelihood.
While the Poisson-GP formulation was already implemented in the Renext package, potomax puts emphasis on the use of profile-likelihood inference rather than on the cheapest widespread delta method that is used in Renext. The profile-likelihood confidence intervals on the parameters and return levels are known to have better coverage rate than those based on the delta method. However the profile-likelihood inference requires to repeatedly solve optimisation problems, with possible numerical issues. The derivatives of the distribution functions w.r.t the parameters are provided to facilitate the optimisation tasks. Graphical diagnostics are available to check that the profile-likelihood results are correct.
The package provides classical S3 methods for fitted models such as summary
, coef
, logLik
, confint
, … It also provides the methods RL
to compute Return Levels and their confidence intervals, and autoplot
method to produce “RL plots”.
For potomax versions >= 0.2.3, you can rely on the remotes package. In an R session simply use
install_github("IRSN/potomax", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE))
This should install the package and make it ready to use. Note that the package comes with a vignette R Package potomax: Overview a link on which should show in the package help. If the argument build_vignettes
is omitted, the vignette will not be built.
You can also select a specific branch or a specific commit by using the suitable syntax for install_github
, see the devtools package documentation. Mind that earlier versions contain compiled code hence will require for Windows users that the Rtools have been installed.