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Autoplot method for objects devoted to the check of the profile-likelihood confidence intervals on the parameters for Poisson-GP models.


# S3 method for confintCheck.poisGP
autoplot(object, ...)



An object with class "confintCheck.poisGP" generated by the confint method see confint.poisGP.


Not used yet.


A ggplot graphics object.


The object is a list containing two data frames named ci and negLogLikC. The ci data frame contains the confidence intervals in a long format suitable for plotting; it will be used to draw horizontal and vertical lines showing the confidence limits. The negLogLikC data frame contains evaluations of the profile log-likelihood for a grid of value of each parameter; it will be used to display a curve for each parameter.

For each parameter, the two verical lines corresponding to a given confidence level represent the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval for the parameter. The curve represent the negative profiled log-likelihood for the considered parameter. For each confidence level the two vertical lines should intersect the curve at points where the value of the profiled negative log-likelhood corrresponds to the horizontal line for the the level. The horizontal and vertical lines for the estimate should intersect at the point where the value of the negative log-likelhood is minimal. If the later condition is not true then the convergence of the ML estimation was not reached for some reason.

See also

confint.poisGP and the example with check = TRUE in the Examples section therein.