Autoplot Method for a List of Return Levels Tables
Autoplot a list of RL tables, generally using the same data or using different data but sharing some observations.
u <- seq(from = 2610, to = 3000, length.out = 4)
fits <- RLs <- list()
for (iu in seq_along(u)) {
fits[[iu]] <- poisGP(data = Garonne$OTdata$Flow,
effDuration = Garonne$OTinfo$effDuration,
MAX.data = list("hist" = Garonne$MAXdata$Flow),
MAX.effDuration = Garonne$MAXinfo$duration,
threshold = u[iu])
RLs[[iu]] <- RL(fits[[iu]], conf = "prof", out = "data")
names(fits) <- names(RLs) <- paste("thresh =", u)
## force the S3 class of the result
class(RLs) <- "RL.poisGPList"
autoplot(RLs) + theme_gray() +
ggtitle("Return level plots for Garonne and several thresholds")