Extreme values statistics:

Following tools are available through R using:

Name Short description Location Supports unsteady data Processing historical data Sampling type Distribution laws Covariables Censored data Data types Confidence interval type Other tool features
Renext Statistical tool for estimating extreme values in a frequentist framework with many methods CRAN + IRSN GitHub POT block maxima r-LOS GPD, expo, GEV, gumbel, mixed expo, log normal, Weibull, gamma (any with given parameters) events, yearly, struct. Delta Various anova statistical tests
NSGEV Statistical tool for estimating extreme values in an unsteady frequentist framework based on annual maxima IRSN GitHub maximum block GEV, gumbel x(t) yearly Delta Likelihood Profile Bootstrap Various anova statistical tests
potomax Statistical tool for estimating extreme values with a new sampling method (MA censoring threshold) IRSN GitHub POT block maximum GPD, expo, GEV, gumbel events, yearly, struct. Delta Likelihood Profile Validation method to check the convergence of results (argument check=TRUE)
SpatialExtremes Fork of the CRAN package by Mathieu Ribatet by Yves Deville: spatgev class to take into account temporal covariates Y. Deville GitHub (using it with NSGEV) maximum block GEV, gumbel Delta Likelihood Profile Bootstrap Package to extrapolate temperatures in places where there is data (spatial covariates)
bever Statistical tool for estimating extreme values in a Bayesian framework (with focus on Markov chain Monte-Carlo) IRSN GitHub POT block maximum GPD, expo, GEV, gumbel events, yearly Credibility intervals with HPD and equal tails methods Calculation of the predictive distribution
beverstan Rstan statistical tool, dependent on NSGEV and bever, for the estimation of extreme values in a Bayesian framework IRSN GitHub maximum block GEV, gumbel x(t) yearly Credibility intervals with HPD and equal tails methods
dailymet Tool for analyzing daily weather series (mainly temperatures) using POT methods IRSN GitHub POT GPD, exhibition x(t), x daily Functions to describe seasonality and annual trend
SeaLev Estimation of extreme sea levels by combining tide and surge (with Renext) POT or maximum block (premiums) Renext laws tidely Delta Theoretical tide distribution

Extreme events quantization

Sample/cluster extreme events (like flooding maps) to keep representativeness of rare probability / high impact: