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Yves Deville

Goals and scope

dailymet is a (maybe temporary) R package providing tools than can help when studying the extremes of daily meteorological timeseries, mainly series of daily maximum temperature TX. It puts some emphasis on Peaks Over Threshold (POT) models, and more specifically on time-varying POT models in which basis functions are used to describe the yearly seasonality and the trend. The package scope is as follows.

  • Read timeseries from .csv files, produce summaries and ggplots.

  • Provide supplementary S3 methods for the objects rq from the quantreg package and fevd from the extRemes package.

  • Provide bases of functions that can be used to describe the trend and the seasonality. Among these, a basis of sine wave functions with prescribed phases is useful to get a precise description of the yearly seasonality with a reduced number of parameters hence with a easier estimation.

  • Provide the new S3 classes "rqTList" and "fevdTList" representing lists of rq or fevdobjects “by threshold” i.e., differing only by their threshold. These classes are helpful to assess the sensitivity of the results to the threshold choice, which generally remains highly subjective.

For now, the package focuses on univariate approaches in which the analysis is for only one meteorological timeseries, often assumed to be the TX.


See the file

Install release version from GitHub

Using the remotes package

Provided that the remotes package is installed, the installation of dailymet from github can be done by using

remotes::install_github("IRSN/dailymet", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)

This should install the package and make it ready to use.

You can also select a specific branch or a specific commit by using the suitable syntax for install_github, see the remotes package documentation.

Clone, build and install

Cloning the repository

If you do not have yet a local dailymet repository, use git clone to clone the dailymet repository

git clone

This will create a dailymet sub-directory of the current directory, i.e. the directory from which the git command was issued. Of course this can work only if you have the authorisation to clone.