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Extract information for block data.


byBlock(object, blockDuration = "year")



An object with class timeMAXdata. This is mainly a list with two data frame elements called MAXinfo and MAXdata.


The duration of the blocks. This is most generally the default value of one year, but we could aslos use "2 years" doe instance.


A data frame with one row by block and with the variables y, yL and yU giving the value of the variable (if known), a lower bound and an upper bound for the value of the variable.


## block maxima style. There should be only one observation by block (year)
M <- timeMAXdata("1961_1980" = list("1961" = 7, "1973" = 40, "1979" = c(3, 30)),
                 "1930_1960" = list("1940" = c(10, Inf), "1943" = 22),
                 "1900_1929" = list("1910" = c(14, Inf), "1929" = c(20, 30))) 
byBlock <- byBlock(M)