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Computes the distribution and return levels for sea levels from the two parts ‘tidal’ and ‘surge’ using a convolution method.


             shift.x = 0,
             threshold.y = NA,
             distname.y = "exponential",
             shift.y = ifelse(, 0, threshold.y),
             par.y = list(rate = 0.1),
             covpar.y = NULL,
             lambda = ifelse(, 705.8, NA),
             pct.conf = c(95, 70),
             use.covlambda = "lambda" %in% colnames(covpar.y),
             prob = NULL,
             prob.max = ifelse(, 1-1e-8, 1-1e-5),
             pred.period = NULL,
             N = 2048L,
             plim.y = c(1e-12, 1 - 1e-12),
             plot = TRUE,
             show.x = TRUE,
             show.asympt = TRUE,
             alpha.below = 0.5,
             trace = 0,



List containing the density for the tidal level. It must contain two vectors $x and $y giving points on the density curve. The x vector must be sorted in ascending order, and the y vector must contain non negative values with end values equal to 0 or nearly such. The first and last values in x give the lowest and the highest astronomical tides up to the shift shift.x.


Numeric constant to add to the total level e.g. a reference level if the density in dens.x has to be shifted. This can be useful to change the reference elevation.


Threshold used in the surge POT fit. The surge excesses over this threshold are assumed to follow a known distribution.


The distribution name for the surge excesses over the threshold. The supported distribution names are those of the fRenouv in the Renext package. The distribution values are the non-negative reals. Most distributions will have one or two parameters: for a gpd distribution the, location parameter must be 0 since it applies to excesses.


Numeric constant having the same dimension as the variable Y, and used to shift the distribution. When a POT distribution is used this is automatically set to threshold.y and thus the distribution is assumed to be for the excesses over the threshold. In other cases, it should be normally zero.


Named list or vector containing the values of the parameters. Parameters with default values in the corresponding densities and distribution functions can be omitted and will be such if plugged in from a POT output. For instance the location parameter of the gpd will not be given and will take its default value 0.


A covariance matrix for the parameters of the y-part. It can also contain a row and column for the event rate lambda (see Details). The colnames and rownames must agree and must be equal either to names(par.y) or to c("lambda", names(par.y)).


The event rate in the surge POT. Should be given in events by year since the return levels are given on a yearly basis.


Confidence levels in percent. Should be given in decreasing order.


Logical indicating if the uncertainty on the event rate lambda should be taken into account in the delta method or not.


Probability for which the return levels are wanted in the ret.lev table. A NULL value correspond to a default vector of values.


Maximal probability for the return level table/plot.


If not NULL, a vector giving periods at which predictions (return levels and confidence limits) should be computed and returned in the pred data.frame. The results are returned in a pred data.frame.


Number of points in the convolution grid. Should be a power of two for a best computation speed.


Limits for the y-grid. The grid limits ymin and ymax are the quantile associated to plim.y[1] and plim.y[2] respectively. For numerical reasons the value of plim.y[2] should not be taken over 1-1e^-06


Logical. Should a return level plot be drawn?


Logical indicating if a "tidal return level" curve should be added to the return level plot. See Details below.


Logical. When TRUE, a curve showing the asymptotic behavior is added to the return level plot. This is available only for the exponential or the GPD with positive shape. In the first case, the added curve should be close to the curve obtained by convolution. In the second case, the added curve should be broadly parallel to the convolution curve. The added curve indicates the shape of the curve for very large return periods.


A value of transparency to (partially) occult the region of the plot lying below the minimal level of validity for the convolution, see Details. The value 0 means a fully transparent rectangle (no effect), and the value 1 means a fully opaque one. When using a device that do not support transparency, only the values 0 and 1 will be possible.


Integer giving a level of verbosity. The value 0 leads to printing nothing.


Further arguments to be passed to RSLplot and then to plot. Most commonly used are Tlim problim from RSLplot, main, ylim from plot. The arguments z an duration can also be used to add empirical points to the plot, see the vignette shipped with this package for examples.


The function computes the density and distribution functions for a surge \(Z = X +Y\) where \(X\) is a tidal level and \(Y\) is a random surge level with given (conditional) distribution over the threshold. The tidal level \(X\) has a distribution given in dens.x. The two parts \(X\) and \(Y\) are assumed to be independent hence the density of \(Z\) can be found using a numerical convolution.

Since the distribution for the surge \(Y\) is given only for \(Y > u \) where \(u\) is the threshold, the distribution of \(Z\) is known only for \(Z > \textrm{HAT} + u\). Therefore only the corresponding part of the return level curve must be considered. The left-side part can be considered as an extrapolation for small surge levels which is unwarranted.

An approximate inference is derived using the "delta method" and the covariance matrix given in covpar.y (if any). The return level \(z(T)\) corresponding to $$z(T) = q_Z(p) \qquad p = 1 - \frac{1}{\lambda T}$$ where \(q_Z(p)\) is the quantile function of \(Z\). The quantile function is deduced from the distribution function and the event rate \(\lambda\) is replaced by its estimation provided in the lambda formal.

Depending on the value of use.covlambda the impact on the estimation of \(\lambda\) on the return level will be taken into account or not.

When plot is TRUE, a return level plot is shown using a log scale for the return periods. The return level curve will have an asymptote for large return periods when the distribution of Y is exponential.

When plot and show.x are TRUE, the conditional expectation curve is shown. This curve plots the conditional expected tidal level $$\textrm{E}[X \vert Z=z]$$ with \(z=z(T)\) taken equal to the return level associated to the period \(T\). This curve might not be visible and it can be necessary to adjust the ylim argument. The curve points out the fact that return levels for sea levels are not conditional to the tidal level, and therefore that the sea levels corresponding to a given tide are much greater than suggested by the return level curve.

It can be shown that when the distribution of surge is exponential the conditional expectation is constant for large return periods \(T\) and then takes a value < HAT. When the distribution of surge is GPD with a positive shape, the conditional expectation is increasing but with very slow rate.


A list with elements

dens.x, dens.y, dens.z

Density of the tidal level, the surge and the total sea level.

dist.x, dist.y, dist.z

Distribution functions as for the densities

dFy, dFz, dzz

Matrices with columns giving the derivatives of Fy, Fz or z with respect to the parameters taken from par.y. For dz an extra column is placed in position 1 containing the derivative with respect to the event rate if use.covlambda is TRUE.


Data.frame containing the return levels for some given or default probabilities. It contains columns for the probability, the return period, the return level (or quantile) as well as confidence limits for the return level. When use.covlambda is TRUE the confidence limits should be associated with the return periods (and not the probabilities), at least for relatively small probabilities.


Data.frame containing the predicted return levels for some given or default return levels.


The conditional expectation vector, in correspondence with the grid for the density of x.


When the distribution of \(Y\) is exponential, the logarithm of the exponential moment \(\textrm{E}[e^{X/\sigma_Y}]\) where \(\sigma_Y\) is the scale parameter of the exponential distribution. See the vignette shipped with this package for more information.


D. T. Pugh and J. M. Vassie (1978) "Extreme sea-levels from tide and surge probability" Proceeding of the 16th Coastal Engineering Conference, Hamburg.

B. Simon La marée océanique côtière. Institut océanographique, 2007.


Yves Deville


The densities and conditional expectations are given on for a wide grid and for very small probability of exceedance \(1-F_Z(z)\), say less than 1e-4. The numerical precision weakens for very small values of \(F_Z(z)\). In future versions, the vectors will be truncated at a suitable value. A rule for a robust determination (with respect to the distribution of surges) still needs some investigations. Yet a minimal probability of exceedance about 1e-4 seems a good indication.

Some distribution of the surge can have unbounded density, e.g. Weibull or gamma. This may affect the precision of the discrete approximation used in the numerical convolution.


When a non-zero value is used for shift.x, the returned density for \(X\) is left unchanged, i.e. is not shifted. Only the distribution of \(Z\) is shifted. On the contrary when an non-zero shift.y is given, the density of \(Y\) is shifted. Thus if a POT model is given with threshold \(u\) the distribution specified on input is for the excesses \(Y-u\), but the dens.y and dist.y objects of the returned list are for the \(Y\) levels.

See also

RSLplot for return level plot. The new convSL improves the precision for heavy tail distributions.


## This example NEEDS Renext 
data(Brest); data(Brest.tide)

## POT
distname.y <- "exponential"
fit.exp <-
  Renouv(x = Brest$OTdata$Surge,
         effDuration = as.numeric(Brest$OTinfo$effDuration),
         threshold = 50, distname.y = distname.y,
         main = "exponential POT for surge")
#> Special inference for the exponential case without history
#> Warning: uncertainty on the rate not taken into account yet  in the exponential with no history case

## plug results into convSL
res.exp <-
   convSL(dens.x = Brest.tide,
          threshold.y = 50, distname.y = distname.y,
          lambda = fit.exp$estimate["lambda"],
          par.y = fit.exp$estimate["rate"],
          covpar.y = fit.exp$cov,
          use.covlambda = TRUE, main = "exponential")

## some results 
round(res.exp$pred, digits = 0)
#>       prob period quant L.95 U.95 L.70 U.70
#> 100      1  1e+02   462  459  464  460  463
#> 200      1  2e+02   469  466  473  467  471
#> 500      1  5e+02   479  474  483  477  481
#> 1000     1  1e+03   486  481  492  483  489
#> 2000     1  2e+03   494  487  500  490  497
#> 3000     1  3e+03   498  491  505  494  502
#> 4000     1  4e+03   501  494  508  497  505
#> 5000     1  5e+03   503  496  511  499  507
#> 6000     1  6e+03   505  498  513  501  509
#> 7000     1  7e+03   507  499  515  503  511
#> 8000     1  8e+03   508  500  516  504  513
#> 9000     1  9e+03   510  501  518  505  514
#> 10000    1  1e+04   511  502  519  506  515
#> 20000    1  2e+04   518  509  527  513  523
#> 50000    1  5e+04   528  517  538  522  533
#> 1e+05    1  1e+05   535  524  547  529  541
#> 1e+06    1  1e+06   560  545  574  552  567
#> 1e+07    1  1e+07   584  566  602  575  593
plot(res.exp$dens.z, type ="l",
     main = "density of Z", xlab = "m", ylab = "") 

## POT with gpd with two
distname.y <- "gpd"

fit.gpd <-
   Renouv(x = Brest$OTdata$Surge,
          effDuration = as.numeric(Brest$OTinfo$effDuration),
          threshold = 50, distname.y = distname.y,
          main = "gpd POT for surge")

res.gpd1 <-
   convSL(dens.x = Brest.tide,
          threshold.y = 50, distname.y = distname.y,
          lambda = fit.gpd$estimate["lambda"],
          par.y = fit.gpd$est.y,
          covpar.y = fit.gpd$cov,
          use.covlambda = TRUE,
          main = "gpd with uncertainty on \"lambda\"")
#> Warning: 'show.asympt' not yet implemented for GPD with negative shape

## ignore the uncertainty on 'lambda'
res.gpd2 <-
    convSL(dens.x = Brest.tide,
           threshold.y = 50, distname.y = distname.y,
           lambda = fit.gpd$estimate["lambda"],
           par.y = fit.gpd$est.y,
           covpar.y = fit.gpd$cov,
           use.covlambda = FALSE,
           main = "gpd ignoring uncertainty on \"lambda\"")
#> Warning: 'show.asympt' not yet implemented for GPD with negative shape