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Build a spline density from a provided grid density.

The methods plot, print and predict can be used.


SplineDensity(x, f,
              xmin = min(x), xmax = max(x),
              leftDerivEst = c(0L, 1L), rightDerivEst = c(0L, 1L),
              leftDeriv = NULL, rightDeriv = NULL,
              knots = NULL,
              nKnots = 24L,
              order = 4L,
              plot = TRUE,
              check = FALSE)



Numeric vector of values at which the density is provided.


Numeric vector of density values corresponding to x.


Left (or lower) end-point of the distribution.


Right (or upper) end-point.


Integer vector giving the order of the derivatives that will be estimated from the finite differences of the points in x and f. These values will be used even if derivatives are provided.


Similar to leftDerivEst.


Vector of known derivatives at left end-point (if any). The given values are for order \(0\) to \(k-2\) in that order where \(k\) is the order. Unknown values are to be given as NA.


Similar to rightDeriv for the upper end-point.


A numeric vector of knots in ascending order.


Number of knots to be used if knots is not provided.


The spline order \(k\), e.g. \(k = 1\) for a broken line spline and k = 4 for a cubic spline.


Logical. If TRUE a plot is provided.


Logical. When TRUE, some check of the computations are carried over and results are printed.


A list object that can be used for density computations. This object is given an S3 class "SplineDensity". The structure of this list might evolve in the future life of the package.


A spline approximation for a given density is found by a constrained regression. First, a suitable basis of B-splines is built. Then the coefficients are found in order to minimise the distance to the provided density values with constraints arising from boundary conditions and from the normalisation condition. Boundary conditions can be given. By default, the values of the density and of its first order derivative are taken equal to a finite difference estimation from x and f. This works correctly when the grid is fine enough, and when the provided values correspond to those of a continuous function with continuous derivative on the closed interval with end-points xmin and xmax.


de Boor, C (2001) A Practical Guide to Splines, revised edition. Springer-Verlag.


The spline is not warranted to be positive. This will be the case if positive density values are provided in f and if the grid is fine enough.


Yves Deville

See also

rSplineDensity to generate randomly drawn objects (e.g. for tests). predict.SplineDensity for the evaluation at chosen points.


SD <- SplineDensity(x = Brest.tide$x, f = Brest.tide$y)
#> leftDeriv = 0 9.381932e-06 NA 
#> rightDeriv = 0 -2.479663e-05 NA 
SD24 <- SplineDensity(x = Brest.tide$x, f = Brest.tide$y, nKnots = 24)
#> leftDeriv = 0 9.381932e-06 NA 
#> rightDeriv = 0 -2.479663e-05 NA 

## approximate a bounded GPD (negative shape) by a spline density
shape <- 2 + rexp(1)
x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 200)
f <- (1 - x )^(shape - 1) * shape
SDGP <- SplineDensity(x = x, f = f)
#> leftDeriv = 3.342225 -7.80186 NA 
#> rightDeriv = 0 -0.00274446 NA 