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Derivation of probability functions with respect to the parameters by using closed forms.


parDeriv(par, x, distname, sum = TRUE)



Vector of parameter values.


Observations or data at which the derivatives are to be computed.


Name of the distribution. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, a summation over the element of x is carried. Otherwise, the first dimension of the result corresponds to the elements of x.


Only a few distributions are and will be available. For now, these are: the two-parameter Weibull c("shape", "scale"), the two-parameter Generalised Pareto, c("scale", "shape") and the two-parameter Lomax and maxlo distributions.


A list of arrays containing the first and second order derivatives.

derLogdens, der2Logdens

Derivatives of the log-density \(\log f(x)\).

derSurv, der2Surv

Derivatives of the survival function \(S(x)\).

When x has length \(n\)

and the distribution depends on \(p\) parameters, the arrays of first and second order derivatives have dimension \(n \times p\) and \(n \times p \times p\) when sum is

FALSE. If sum is TRUE the summation drops the first dimension and the arrays are \(p\) and \(p \times p\).


See the Renext Computing Details document.


Yves Deville

See also


distname <- "maxlo"
if (distname == "weibull") {
    logL <- function(par) {
        sum(dweibull(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
    sumS <- function(par) {
        sum(pweibull(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
                     lower.tail = FALSE))
    pars <- c("shape" = rexp(1), "scale" = 1000 * rexp(1))
    x <- rweibull(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
    Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "weibull") 
} else if (distname == "gpd") {
    logL <- function(par) {
        sum(dgpd(x, loc = 0, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
                 log = TRUE))
    sumS <- function(par) { 
        sum(pgpd(x, loc = 0, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
                 lower.tail = FALSE))
    pars <- c("scale" = 1000 * rexp(1),
              "shape" = runif(1, min = -0.4, max = 0.4))
    x <- rgpd(n = 100, loc = 0, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
    Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "gpd")
} else if (distname == "lomax") {
    logL <- function(par) {
        sum(dlomax(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
    sumS <- function(par) { 
        sum(plomax(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
                   lower.tail = FALSE))
    pars <- c( "shape" = 1 + rexp(1), "scale" = 1000 * rexp(1))
    x <- rlomax(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
    Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "lomax") 
} else if (distname == "maxlo") {
    logL <- function(par) {
        sum(dmaxlo(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
    sumS <- function(par) { 
        sum(pmaxlo(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
                   lower.tail = FALSE))
    pars <- c( "shape" = 2.5 + runif(1), "scale" = 100 * rexp(1))
    x <- rmaxlo(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
    Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "maxlo") 

## check logdens
H <- numDeriv::hessian(func = logL, x = pars)
colnames(H) <- names(pars)
Grad <- numDeriv::grad(func = logL, x = pars)

cat("gradient for log density\n")
#> gradient for log density
print(cbind(parDeriv = Der$derLogdens, num = Grad))
#>         parDeriv        num
#> shape  1.7741976  1.7741976
#> scale -0.4560811 -0.4560811

cat("hessian for log density\n")
#> hessian for log density
print(cbind(exact = Der$der2Logdens, num = H))
#>            shape     scale      shape     scale
#> shape -14.638190  2.250876 -14.638190  2.250876
#> scale   2.250876 -0.348458   2.250876 -0.348458

## check survival
HS <- numDeriv::hessian(func = sumS, x = pars)
HS <- (HS + t(HS))/2
colnames(HS) <- names(pars)
GradS <- numDeriv::grad(func = sumS, x = pars)

cat("gradient for Survival\n")
#> gradient for Survival
print(cbind(parDeriv = Der$derSurv, num = GradS))
#>        parDeriv       num
#> shape -8.887358 -8.887358
#> scale  1.189740  1.189740

cat("hessian for Survival\n")
#> hessian for Survival
print(cbind(exact = Der$der2Surv, num = HS))
#>             shape       scale       shape       scale
#> shape  3.60711045 -0.08314355  3.60711045 -0.08314355
#> scale -0.08314355 -0.04585117 -0.08314355 -0.04585117