Derivation of probability functions with respect to the parameters
Derivation of probability functions with respect to the parameters by using closed forms.
- par
Vector of parameter values.
- x
Observations or data at which the derivatives are to be computed.
- distname
Name of the distribution. See Details.
- sum
Logical. If
, a summation over the element ofx
is carried. Otherwise, the first dimension of the result corresponds to the elements ofx
Only a few distributions are and will be available. For now, these are:
the two-parameter Weibull c("shape", "scale")
, the
two-parameter Generalised Pareto, c("scale", "shape")
the two-parameter Lomax and maxlo distributions.
A list of arrays containing the first and second order derivatives.
- derLogdens, der2Logdens
Derivatives of the log-density \(\log f(x)\).
- derSurv, der2Surv
Derivatives of the survival function \(S(x)\).
When x
has length \(n\)
and the distribution depends on \(p\) parameters, the arrays of
first and second order derivatives have dimension \(n \times
p\) and \(n \times p \times p\) when sum
. If sum
the summation drops the
first dimension and the arrays are \(p\) and \(p \times
distname <- "maxlo"
if (distname == "weibull") {
logL <- function(par) {
sum(dweibull(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
sumS <- function(par) {
sum(pweibull(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
lower.tail = FALSE))
pars <- c("shape" = rexp(1), "scale" = 1000 * rexp(1))
x <- rweibull(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "weibull")
} else if (distname == "gpd") {
logL <- function(par) {
sum(dgpd(x, loc = 0, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
log = TRUE))
sumS <- function(par) {
sum(pgpd(x, loc = 0, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
lower.tail = FALSE))
pars <- c("scale" = 1000 * rexp(1),
"shape" = runif(1, min = -0.4, max = 0.4))
x <- rgpd(n = 100, loc = 0, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "gpd")
} else if (distname == "lomax") {
logL <- function(par) {
sum(dlomax(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
sumS <- function(par) {
sum(plomax(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
lower.tail = FALSE))
pars <- c( "shape" = 1 + rexp(1), "scale" = 1000 * rexp(1))
x <- rlomax(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "lomax")
} else if (distname == "maxlo") {
logL <- function(par) {
sum(dmaxlo(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"], log = TRUE))
sumS <- function(par) {
sum(pmaxlo(x, shape = par["shape"], scale = par["scale"],
lower.tail = FALSE))
pars <- c( "shape" = 2.5 + runif(1), "scale" = 100 * rexp(1))
x <- rmaxlo(n = 100, shape = pars["shape"], scale = pars["scale"])
Der <- parDeriv(par = pars, x = x, distname = "maxlo")
## check logdens
H <- numDeriv::hessian(func = logL, x = pars)
colnames(H) <- names(pars)
Grad <- numDeriv::grad(func = logL, x = pars)
cat("gradient for log density\n")
#> gradient for log density
print(cbind(parDeriv = Der$derLogdens, num = Grad))
#> parDeriv num
#> shape 1.7741976 1.7741976
#> scale -0.4560811 -0.4560811
cat("hessian for log density\n")
#> hessian for log density
print(cbind(exact = Der$der2Logdens, num = H))
#> shape scale shape scale
#> shape -14.638190 2.250876 -14.638190 2.250876
#> scale 2.250876 -0.348458 2.250876 -0.348458
## check survival
HS <- numDeriv::hessian(func = sumS, x = pars)
HS <- (HS + t(HS))/2
colnames(HS) <- names(pars)
GradS <- numDeriv::grad(func = sumS, x = pars)
cat("gradient for Survival\n")
#> gradient for Survival
print(cbind(parDeriv = Der$derSurv, num = GradS))
#> parDeriv num
#> shape -8.887358 -8.887358
#> scale 1.189740 1.189740
cat("hessian for Survival\n")
#> hessian for Survival
print(cbind(exact = Der$der2Surv, num = HS))
#> shape scale shape scale
#> shape 3.60711045 -0.08314355 3.60711045 -0.08314355
#> scale -0.08314355 -0.04585117 -0.08314355 -0.04585117