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Probability functions associated to the mixture of two exponential distributions.


dmixexp2(x, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta,
            log = FALSE)
   pmixexp2(q, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta,
            log = FALSE)
   qmixexp2(p, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta)
   rmixexp2(n, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta)
   hmixexp2(x, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta)
   Hmixexp2(x, prob1,
            rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = rate1 + delta, delta)


x, q

Vector of quantiles.


Vector of probabilities.


Number of observations.


Logical; if TRUE, the log density is returned.


Probability weight for the "number 1" exponential density.


Rate (inverse expectation) for the "number 1" exponential density.


Rate (inverse expectation) for the "number 2" exponential density. Should in most cases be > rate1. See Details.


Alternative parameterisation delta = rate2 - rate1.


dmiwexp2, pmiwexp2, qmiwexp2, evaluates the density, the distribution and the quantile functions. dmixexp2

generates a vector of n random draws from the distribution.

hmixep2 gives hazard rate and Hmixexp2 gives cumulative hazard.


The density function is the mixture of two exponential densities f(x)=α1λ1eλ1x+(1α1)λ2eλ2xx>0 where α1 is the probability given in prob1 while λ1 andλ2 are the two rates given in rate1 and rate2.

A 'naive' identifiability constraint is λ1<λ2 i.e. rate1 < rate2, corresponding to the simple constraint delta > 0. The parameter delta can be given instead of rate2.

The mixture distribution has a decreasing hazard, increasing Mean Residual Life (MRL) and has a thicker tail than the usual exponential. However the hazard, MRL have a finite non zero limit and the distribution behaves as an exponential for large return levels/periods.

The quantile function is not available in closed form and is computed using a dedicated numerical method.


rate1 <- 1.0
rate2 <- 4.0
prob1 <- 0.8
qs <- qmixexp2(p = c(0.99, 0.999), prob1 = prob1,
               rate1 = rate1, rate2 = rate2) 
x <- seq(from = 0, to = qs[2], length.out = 200)
F <- pmixexp2(x, prob1 = prob1, rate1 = rate1, rate2 = rate2)
plot(x, F, type = "l", col = "orangered", lwd = 2,
     main = "Mixexp2 distribution and quantile for p = 0.99")
abline(v = qs[1])
abline(h = 0.99)